11- 𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙨

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"Eds, I have an idea." Steve said, getting out of his car to meet his boyfriend.

"Try me."

"We should get tattoos, like matching ones."

"Really? You sure?"

"Yea I want this, and I think it would be nice to do since it's almost our eight month anniversary."

"Doesn't feel like that long."

"Yea, well time flies when you're having fun."

"Should I tattoo 'Steve Harrington's bitch" on my ass? He joked.

"No ass tatts." Steve laughed.

"I was thinking initials in a heart."

"Aw that'd be sweet, Stevie."

"I've just never wanted to be with someone for like, the rest of my life and I just realized that recently."

"What made you realize it?"

"I'll tell you later. Anyways you in for the tattoos?"

"Yea. Just to confirm I can't get one on any inappropriate area besides my ass-"

"No, Eddie, you can't get my name tatted on your dick. Gross, man."

"Hah, sorry man. I forgot you're just a romantic." He teased, pulling his boyfriend by his shirt collar for a kiss.

"And, I thought you hated tattoos." He said once he pulled away from his boyfriend.

"I use to think they were stupid, but I changed my mind after what happened."


"A-after you almost died I-I changed my mind because life is too short not to do stupid things with people you love."

"Well I'm happy I'm not dead."

"Me too, but we shouldn't talk about it or I'm gonna ball my eyes out like a toddler."

"It's alright, baby. I'm here. You're stuck with me until I die."

"I hope that's a long time."

"Me too, Stevie."

"I'm gonna get mine on my wrist, so I can look at it when I miss you, you know?"

"You miss me?"

"Yea, every time I'm not with you."

"I kinda thought you got tired of me from being with me so much."

"Never. You're missable.

"You are too, pretty boy."

Steve blushed, as he did usually when his boyfriend called him a cute nickname. Though they had been together for a while, Eddie still found a way to make Steve nervous. Neither of them thought their relationship would last this long at the beginning, but they honestly wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. It was weird and unexpected, but it just happened.

Eddie looked at him w h the sweetest smile, which always made the other's heart melt. How cold he think straight when Eddie looked at him like that. He wanted to see that smile for the rest of his life.

"Stop looking at me like that when I'm trying to think."

"Like what? Hmmm?" He teased.

"Never mind." His face felt warmer.

"Watcha thinking about?"

"Where to get tattoos."

"We could do it ourselves."


"Stick and poke. It's not that hard, I've done it before."

"Alright. You do mine and I can do yours?"

"Yea." Steve kissed him once again before Eddie got the necessary materials for tattoos.

As he came back, Eddie said "Why haven't you gotten a tattoo before? They're super cool."

"I guess I wasn't sure what to get for it."

"Everyone's gonna know you're mine now, though."

"I'm fine with that, nobody's going to hate crime me because they think I've beaten Billy Hargrove in fights."

"Ok, I'm gonna start with you first, Stevie."

"Okay, babe."

Eddie cleaned the area on his partner's wrist. "Hold my other hand if it hurts." He gave his hand to Steve, who intertwined it with his own.

He inked his initials to a tiny spot in the center of Steve's wrist, and drew a heart around them.

Once he was finished Steve looked at the new tattoo and smiled.

"You like it?"

"I love it, actually."

"Good. My turn."

Eddie squeezed Steve's hand so tight that he couldn't feel it, but moments later the tattoo was finished, and Eddie looked at it in awe.

"I love it, Stevie." The tattoo was messy but Steve was too, which made him like it more.

"Shit, I forgot bandages so we need to go get some." Eddie said, and the two went into Steve's car to go to the local drug store.

"Can you tell me now? What made you realize you wanted to with me for the rest of your long miserable life?" The metalhead asked, joking at the last part.

"I had a dream."

"Oo what kind of dream?"

"A dream of 6 little Harringtons."

"Damn that's too many Harringtons for one to handle."

"Well yeah, but there weren't just Harringtons, you were there too. You and me were married and we had a family of little Harringtons. I've been thinking about it for a while. At first I though it would be with Nancy but my brain betrayed me and I realized it was always about you."

"Awh, Steve, you are aware that that can't happen, right. As much as I want it to, thinking about it makes it worse."

"I- I know. And then I cried for two hours because I know we can't eventually have kids, and I know we can't get married."

"God, I wish you were my husband so bad. I've thought about it before. Eddie Harrington. Little Harringtons. It would be nice if the world could be like that."

"I love you, Eds, and I want that life for us, so, so bad."

"Me too, baby. And I love you too, but it just doesn't work like that. The world is too stupid to let us get married or adopt kids some day."

"It's just that Nancy and Jonathan have been taking about it, and it makes me think about it too, and then I realize that we're not like them. We're not heterosexual."

"Yea, it really does suck for our future. You'd be a great dad."

"You would too, baby."

"But you know who needs us?"


"Henderson. We're basically his dads."

"That is true."

"I love that little shrimp. I had a moment with him that day when I almost- you know. He needs us."

"He dosent need us, we need him."

"You're right, I just want him to need us."

"He's our little sheep. But he's growing into a big sheep. He's gonna leave the nest in just a few years."

"Sheep don't have nests." The two laughed.

"Ours do." Steve said, causing eddie to smile.

"I think you're onto something."

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now