7- 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙪𝙜

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The two boyfriends were leaving Eddie's trailer as the sun was starting to set, hands intertwined. It was a few weeks after the spring break incident.

"Stay there." Eddie said, and Steve froze.


"The lighting is making you look look like an angel." They both smiled. "You're so beautiful, man, and you don't even fucking see it."

"Nobody calls me beautiful, usually just attractive."

"They're blind and don't see you like I do, Stevie."

"So mushy, Munson." Steve kissed him on the cheek, wrapping his arms around his neck. Then their foreheads touched, and Steve was drowning in Eddie's brown eyes.

The moment was interrupted as Steve heard an all too familiar noise. If it wasn't so quiet, he was sure he wouldn't have heard it.

He heard the noise from the woods, so he ran there, Eddie following behind him. Then he was slower, careful not to make any noise, but Steve knew they were close as the noise got louder by every step.

The moment he saw it, he knew it was a baby demogorgon. The slug-like creature took a step forward, and Eddie jumped

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" He screeched in a high-pitched voice.

"Babe, calm down, it's a baby demogorgon."

"IT'S A DEMON SLUG!" Eddie stepped on it, and the creature tried to bite his foot off, but Steve pushed it away with a nearby stick.

"I wonder how it got here." Steve was silent for a minute in thought while Eddie glared at the creature.

"It probably got out before we closed the portal a few weeks ago. They're supposed to have 6 stages, slug being they first. Henderson said they grow from that size to dog size- I think he called it a demodog."

"That's great, but how do we make the demon slug go away? I think we should kill it." Eddie pulled out a pocketknife from his leather jacket.

"Hey, I think Henderson actually kept one for a pet once. It ate his cat."

"Then can we kill it before it eats me?"

The baby demogorgon was trying to climb up Steve's leg. "Get off, you little shit." Eddie said as he kicked it.

The slug opened its mouth and screeched at him. Eddie stabbed the creature with his knife, and Steve did the same with a stick. The creature seemed as if it was trying to hold on to life, and it wasn't giving up easily, but it was finally dead when Eddie took the knife out and sliced it in half.

Steve threw one side of the slug corpse to the left of the woods, and the other side to the right. That experience was certainly unexpected. The couple walked around the area for a bit, searching for more baby demogorgons, but the noise had stopped since they killed the last one, and there were no others in sight.

They walked back to Eddie's trailer, deciding to stay there, as Steve saw that the other was panicked. Both boys had the creature's blood on their hands.

"Are you sure it didn't like... come back? Are you sure it was already there?" He was using his high-pitch scared voice."

"Eds" Steve put his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders, the blood on his hands now dry. "I'm sure that it didn't come back because it was the only one there. And even if it was back, we would get through it together." He hugged his scared boyfriend. Steve loved the way Eddie's head fit in the crook of his neck.

"Hey, is it ok if you stay the night?" Eddie asked, shyly. He had only stayed over a few times before, and Eddie was finding it hard to admit to the fact that he was often vulnerable around Steve. He dropped his intimidating tough act around him. It was so easy when he felt so safe.

"Yea, if you want me to." Steve smiled.

"I do want you too." The two went into Eddie's bedroom.

Eddie gave his boyfriend a hoodie and sweatpants and went to the bathroom to change. Steve changed into the other's clothes and hugged his head so he could inhale his boyfriend's scent. Eddie smelled of weed and cheap cologne, but Steve loved it because it was comforting to him, because it was just so Eddie. He loved that stupid idiot, because he was his stupid idiot.

Eddie came back, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants like Steve, and tackled his boyfriend onto his bed into a hug.

"I think I love you." Steve said, not making eye contact.

"Steve, you love me?" Eddie looked at him like it wasn't real.

"Yes I do, I love you."

"I love you too, so, so much. Everything about you, I'm in love with it." Eddie said.

Steve tucked a piece of Eddie's hair behind his ear and tried to kiss him, but Eddie pushed him away.

"Don't kiss me, love, I want to look at you and I want to talk to you about this b-because it's really important."

"Something wrong?"

"Nobody's loved me before in a relationship way, and I want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into, baby."

"I want this, I want you, one-hundred percent. And it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you, because I know what I think."

"Steve, you're perfect, like I can't even fucking describe it." He had the biggest smile on his face, and his eyes were glossy from tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"You're mine, and you can't do anything that'll make me go away."

Eddie felt that everyone was going to leave him, like his past hookups had, his family, and his friends, including Chrissy. His heart hurt whenever he woke up and Steve wasn't there, he didn't realize how stretched he had became, but he wasn't planning on changing it.

"Good, because I'm not letting you go, unless I'm eaten by a demogorgon." Steve smiled back and laughed."

"I'll protect you, babe." Steve replied.

"Okay, now you can kiss me, lover boy."

They kissed, and both boys knew that not even a demogorgon could separate what they had together.

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now