15- 𝘾𝙧𝙮 (𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙚 𝙋2)

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Steve covered the front view of the window in front of them with the back of his hand then quickly kissed Eddie on the cheek before exiting the vehicle, and Eddie followed behind.

The boys walked through the doorway after Steve unlocked the door, and he found his parents sitting across from each other at the small kitchen table.

Damn it, he had hoped they would be in their room.

He looked at the table and saw several empty booze bottles, half full ones in both his mother's and father's hands.

"Uhm" He gulped. "Hey mother, hey father."

"Steven, who's that behind you? Is it that nice girl Robin we saw last time we were here, or Nancy?" His mother asked.

Eddie stepped from behind Steve to beside him, and his parents' faces dropped.

"Steven Harrington, we don't associate with those people." His dad shouted, grip tightening on the bottle.

"Now, Honey, he can choose his own friends, he's an adult."

"No, I can make his choices for him perfectly fine. What happened to that girl you use to bring home every night, huh? You use to always only hang around with the basketball team."

Steve was fed up. He thought his parents would have changed, but they'd always remain the same. "Dad, I'm a fucking adult, and last time I checked I graduated LAST YEAR. You missed my graduation, so you probably fucking forgot, but-"

"Don't you dare cuss at me, son."

"I'm not in highschool anymore, I'm moving out in a few weeks, and I haven't seen either of you for months. And Mom, Nancy hasn't been over the house in years."

"Exactly, I come back after not seeing you for just a few months and you come home at this time of night, speaking to me like that, and looking like one of those."

"One of what, Dad? Tell me, because every single thing I do you have to yell at me for. And, for the record. I look exactly the same."

"You look like a faggot, a pansy."

Steve tried his hardest to hold in tears. He wanted to cry and cry and never stop.

Eddie wanted to punch that man square in the jaw so fucking badly that it hurt his brain. He knew Steve would want him to keep quiet, so he would do that for him, but he couldn't stand someone saying that to Steve.

"What happened to the man I raised? You're gonna get married to that woman, what was her name, Robin, and she's show you how to be a real man. No more of this soft crap."

Tears were brought to Steve's eyes. He had been raised like this, and he was trying to un-learn the way his parents taught him to be. He was never happy with them, and he was always happy with Eddie. If that made him a faggot, so what? Just because everyone said it was bad didn't mean it truly was, and the only opinion he acted about in the moment was Eddie's.

"Why are you like this? Can you just let me be happy by being who I am, by letting me decide what I want in my life? I'll be out by next week because I'm moving into a place with Robin, plus, she's not my fucking girlfriend."

"Whatever, fucking failure." He downed the rest of the bottle and threw it at his son.

Eddie shoved Steve away to doge the bottle, and Steve grabbed his hand. The two walked into the other room and up the staircase, Steve making sure that Eddie walked in front of him, incase another bottle was to come there way. He heard a yell from the kitchen: "AND BOYS DON'T CRY, FAGGOT."

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now