3- 𝙀𝙣𝙫𝙮

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The group was currently walking through the woods of the Upside-Down.

'We're probably all going to die and I'm getting all jealous of Nancy over Harrington? What the actual fuck.' Eddie thought to himself.

He thought of the way he wanted to punch Nancy as she tended to Steve's wounds, and he knew it was wrong to think that, but Eddie knew that it would be "weird". He wanted to be the one to be close to him. It made him want to cry.

'So envious.'

He wanted Steve to look at him the way he looked at Nancy. He didn't give Steve his vest because he wanted him to cover his body, he wanted it to symbolize that Steve was his.

"If I were you, I would get her back." He wanted Steve to be happy more than he wanted to survive Vecna.

But he was addicted to Steve like a drug, and he was stronger than anything he had had before.

Steve quickly looked away from Eddie's lips that he had been staring at, and listened to the rest of what he had to say.

"Eddie, I don't think I want to get her back." 'What!! Really?'

"But dude, I see the way you look at her."

If only Eddie saw the way Steve looked at him.

"I'll always love Nance, but I don't want to be with her anymore."

He doesn't want her, there's nothing to worry about
ʙᴇsɪᴅᴇs ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇ's ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ...

The earthquake shook the ground rapidly, sending Steve and Eddie down, the shorter one landing on top of the other.

Steve was an inch from the other's face and even in a situation like this, all he wanted to do was kiss him. They could literally die in several minutes, and that was what he wanted the most. He felt so wrong for it, but that didn't matter.

"S-sorry." Steve nervously got up, Eddie following after him.


The four of them were able to get back to Hawkins, successfully avoiding death.

Steve was dropping everyone off at their houses, and soon it was only him and Eddie left.

"Hey, do you want your vest back?" Steve asked me, eyes not leaving the road.

"Nah, you can keep it, you look hot in it." He watched as Steve's face heated up from the unexpected response.

"You to think I'm hot, Munson?" He pulled the car over.

Eddie was taken off guard at the tone Steve was using. He turned and lifted Eddie's chin to make eye contact with him.

'How the fuck is someone making me nervous? I don't get fucking nervous. Is he flirting with me or is he about to deck me? Probably the latter.'

"I- uh..."

"Are you attracted to me?"

"Yes, can you not see it? Can you not see how I'm addicted to you like a fucking drug? Can you not see the rage in my eyes when I see you with Nancy?" He took a deep breath. "I know you're probably straight and that you only want the "ladies", and you don't have to be friends with me if you're gonna be uncomfortable now."

"Eddie." Steve took his hands, trying to calm me down. "Even though I always talk about the ladies, I'm not straight."


"I'm bisexual. I like guys and the ladies ."

"So you would kiss a guy?" Steve leaned in closer.


"Would you... kiss me-?"

"Also yes."

Before Eddie could get another word out, Steve kissed him, doing what he had wanted to do for so long. The kiss was full of passion and emotion.

Though Eddie tastes of weed, Steve was sure this was the best kiss he had ever had, as they were putting their emotions into actions. The taller one pulled the other closer to him and snaked his arms around Steve's neck. Steve's hands were on each side of Eddie's face.

They broke apart for air, smiling at each other. Steve moved even closer to him, resting his forehead in the other's. "You know" Steve said, quietly. "I didn't know you thought I was straight, Robin said I gave off 'bi vibes' and that everyone could tell I wasn't straight, so I thought you just didn't want me."

"Steve, it was obvious from the start that I wanted you. I knew there was something there right after I took that knife from your throat. I'm not one to catch feelings, and definitely not so quickly, I suppose you're just easy to fall for."

"I'm easy to fall for? You have this thing about you, and I can't describe it the way I want to. It could be that smile or the way  I look at you only to find you looking at me already, but god, it's so easy to get hooked."

Steve moved down the seat Eddie was sitting in and climbed into his lap. "Can we do that again, E?"

"Of course, Stevie."

This time the kids was more aggressive, more desperate. Not including living from shit happening in the upside-down, Steve never waned anything more in his life. It felt so different than anything he'd don't before. He hadn't even felt this way about Nancy. He didn't know what this thing with Eddie was going to turn into, but he hoped it would be something amazing.

Steve felt terrible for Eddie, he didn't know he was jealous of Nancy, and the fact that it had been killing him inside made him want to cry.

Steve pulled away. He looked at the man below him, who's lips were red from the kiss. He was still in Eddie's lap, his arms around his neck and Eddie's arms around his waist.

"Hey, why'd you tell me to date Nancy?"

"I thought you were in love with her, and I wanted you to be happy, and I thought that was what you wanted, and she seems to be head over heels for you."

"You know I'm in love with you and not her, right?"

"Steve "the hair" Harrington is in love with Eddie the freak? Wowzers, wait till Hawkins gets hold of this spectacular news." He joked.

"But um... in case it wasn't obvious, I'm in love with you too." Eddie said, a big smile plastered on his face. Nobody had ever said that to him, as he was a 'freak'. Neither of them had ever been happier.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Eddie asked, eyes big."

"Obviously I will, love."

Eddie smiled again, pulling his boyfriend into a close hug.

"I never thought this would happen to me." He whispered. Steve noticed he was vulnerable."

"I'm so happy it did."

"Me too, me too."

They drove back to Steve's house and Eddie decided to sleep over there.

"Steven, I think you're turning me into a fucking softy." Eddie's head was in his chest, his arms wrapped around him.

Steve was playing with his boyfriend's hair. "No, you did that all on your own, but maybe I helped."

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (gay warning)Where stories live. Discover now