Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys!! I'm feeling a little better, so I decided to update! I hope you enjoy!


"W-will he be okay..?" said a frantic female voice.

"Well, until he wakes up, we will not know for sure. He has a major concussion from hitting his head on the dashboard." replied a deep male voice.

The female started weeping.

The male sighed. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Rogers. We're trying all we can to both help your son and daughter."

The male walked out of the room, closing the door.

*Toby's POV*


I shift.

Someone turn off that annoying alarm clock... I think to myself. I try to move again, but I can't. I feel stiff.


I tried to open my eyes, but they just won't budge and that beeping sound grows faster as my heart rate speeds up.

"Toby..?" A sad, quiet voice says.

I try to speak, but my mouth feels dry.

"Oh honey. It's mom! Please don't speak with that tube in your throat." Mom quickly says.

M-mom..? I think. I thought mom was at home..

As if reading my mind, mom says, "You were in a huge car crash. You're in the hospital, sweety." I feel her brush my hand.
I suddenly feel very tired again.

"Just go back to sleep, dear. I'll be right here with you." Mom says quietly.

I willingly accept the wave of sleep wash over me.


*A day later*

I blink awake and look around the room, taking in the monitor and the IV pump connected to my arm. Then I turn my head to the door as I hear it open.

"Oh! You're awake!" Said the nurse that walked in. "Good thing too, because you have a visitor." She smiles warmly as she steps to the side to let my mother in.

I show a weak smile. "M-mommy..." My voice is hoarse and sounds nothing like my own. "Hey, sweety.." She said softly while sitting in the chair by my bed. She looks like she's been crying.

I scrunch my face up in confusion. "What's wrong, mom?"

She looks down. "Your..sister.." She bites her lip, kind of like she doesn't want to say anything.

"Yeah. What about her? Is she alright?" My heart monitor starts to beep faster, panic starting to set in.

"W-well.. She's.." Mom starts to cry. "She's in a coma.. She received most of the damage in the crash and the doctors don't know if she'll make it!"

I just sit there, staring at her, eyes wide. "W-what?" I stutter, realization setting in. "I-I'm sorry, Toby..." She replies softly.

Now, it's my turn to start crying. N-not my sister! I yell in my head. Anyone but her!!! I bury my face in my hands and sob loudly. My mother sits on the edge of my hospital bed and hugs me tightly.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter! I'm actually typing this in the car at the moment, so if there are any spelling mistakes, that's why. Hope you liked it! Vote and comment!

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