Chapter 14

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I hadn't woken up in the middle of the woods since the last time. But, I have been seeing those two people and that faceless thing more often. It's mostly when I'm alone that I see them in the distance through my window. They make me extremely nervous, which makes my twitch worse. Every few seconds now I'm twitching. My mother is extremely worried about me and my dad.... He doesn't care what so ever. Some nights, I'm afraid to fall asleep for fear of them coming into my room. But, they don't. Ever.


I was in my room, pacing back and forth. The curtains were wide open, and I was looking out every time I walked by. I'm actually getting paranoid to the point I'm biting the skin off my fingers. It started off small; like the skin around my nails. But as that ran short, I moved farther up my finger, removing a lot of the top layer of skin. My fingers where bleeding, but I didn't notice.

My mother knocked and opened the door. "Toby, dinner is re-" Her words were cut off by her gasp. "Toby!" She runs over to me and grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away from my mouth. "What are you doing?!" I looked at her in confusion, so I looked at my hand and felt my eyes widen. "I-I.." I stutter, trying to make sense of the sight before me. My fingers where bleeding profusely! Running down my arm and dripping to the floor. "Come on!" Says mother, dragging me to the bathroom.

She quickly rummages through the drawers in the counter, pulling out gauze and medical tape. "Toby! Why did you do this?!" She asks me, panicking slightly as she slowly wraps my hands. "I-I don't know..! I didn't feel any pain!" I reply back. She looks at me, worry swimming in her eyes. "Toby.. What's wrong with you..?" She asks, sadness in her voice. "You've been acting strange lately." I blink, looking back at her. "Nothing's wrong with me, mom." I felt kind of hurt at her words. "You chewed the flesh off your hands, Toby! That isn't normal!" I stand. "Well, I'm not normal!!" I twitch. "And I never will be!" I walk out and back to my room, slamming the door. 

**Time skip to a few weeks later**

I'm sitting on the couch, looking down at my hands. What have I done..?  I think. The skin hasn't grown back. Not even the doctor could do anything, besides saying to keep fresh bandages on then everyday. I clench my fists, but they're really stiff. Something really is wrong with me.. I doubt myself. No one chews the skin off their hands! (A/N: I am aware that there is an actual disorder where a person eats their own hands.) I look up and stand.

"Mom?" I call.

"Yes, dear?" She pokes her head around the corner. 

"I'm.. gonna go for a walk."

"Alright. Be back before dark." 

I nod. "I will." I say, walking out the door. 

Sighing, I stuff my hands in my pockets and walk down the driveway to the sidewalk. "Maybe I'll go visit her today.." I mumble quietly, thinking of my sister. I look straight ahead, staring off, lost in my thoughts. Then I'm brought back to reality from laughter. I look over my shoulder and see a group of boys walking down the sidewalk too. My eyes widen slightly when I realize who they are. The bullies at my school.

I look down, trying not to be noticed and start crossing the street to the other sidewalk. But, one of them notice me anyways and point. "Hey, look who it is!" He says. "It's Ticci Toby!" I flinch at the insult name, but keep walking trying to avoid them. They quickly jog up and surround me. "What's the hurry?" The leader of the group asks, smirking. "Leave me along, Derek!" I say, trying to shove passed him. "Whoa whoa, calm down!" He chuckles, pushing me back into a few of his buddies who formed a circle around me. "No need to be mean.." 

I push away from the others and stand straight. "I said leave me alone, jerk!" I shove by him, but he grabs my arm tightly. "Don't walk away from me you little twerp." He growls at me. I clench my fists and twitch. Derek smirks. "Ticci Toby.." I frown. "Stop calling me that!"

"Calling you what?" He  teases.

"You know what!"

"Ticci Toby?" Derek smirks.

"YES!! NOW FUCKING STOP!!!" I scream at him, twitching.

He laughs at me. "Wow! The mouth on this kid!" He looks at his buddies and they all laugh. "Maybe we should teach him about the consequences of profanity." He smirks and shoves me down. "Eat dirt!" He says kicking me in the stomach. I fall to the side, but I don't feel any pain. Only the impact of his foot. He blinks, surprised I didn't cry out in pain. 

Derek goes to kick me again, but I grab his ankle and twist it the wrong way. He cries out in pain and falls over. The group of friends run to his aid, pulling him away from me. I quickly take that moment to stand and run off. "SOMEONE GO GET HIM!!!" I hear Derek scream. Then, I hear the pounding of foot steps besides mine. I gotta find somewhere to hide! I yell in my head, looking around. 

Someone grabs my hood and yanks me back. I make a choking sound as I fall to the ground, rolling to the side to dodge a foot coming towards my face. I run into someone's legs and they kick me back. I feel blood run down my face, but no pain. "You're just wasting your time! I don't feel anything!" I tell them, but they ignore me and beat me up. I try fighting them off, but they're much larger than me and I fail to do so. I curl up into a ball, trying to protect myself.

Soon, they all leave me lying there. I stay where I am; curled up, hands over my head. 


A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I'd like to keep it as a slight cliffhanger. :P I hope you're enjoying Toby's story! Chapter 15 (the next chapter) will be the last chapter in this book, because it will be the ending of Toby's story. I will try to update tomorrow, so until next time!! *throws confetti and waves*

Toby: Wait!! Why did I have to get beat up in this chapter?!

Me: ...Because you did. I had to do something exciting so the readers don't get bored.

Toby: ...I didn't feel anything...

Me: I know Toby. -.-

Toby: Just sayin'...

Me: *sighs* ..

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