Chapter 11

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It's been a few days now, since I was first in the hospital and I've been going rehab to help my muscles recover after my accident.

I'm very exhausted by the end of the day, and I really just want to go home. My sister doesn't seem to be improving; she hasn't woken up yet. But, sometimes, I'm allowed to leave my own room and visit her. Every time, I sit by her bed, holding her hand and whisper, "Please wake up, sis... I need you. Please wake up.."

But, I never get a response....


~A few days later~

Today is the day that I get to go home! I am rather excited, but not at the same time. My sister still hasn't improved and I'm really worried about her. I don't want to leave her.

"Toby.." My mother's soft voice broke me from my thoughts. "Hmm?" I replied, turning to face her. "Are you almost ready to go?" She asks. I nod, stuffing a few more things in my little bag the best I can with a brace on my arm.

"Now I am." I say with a small smile, swinging the bag into my shoulder. She smiles to me and holds out her hand, gesturing that we can leave. I walk out and into the hall. Goodbye hospital, I think slightly happily.

Then suddenly a bunch of loud beeping echos down the hall. "What the..?" I say, looking over to the sound. Then a rush of doctors and nurses flood the hall and some enter the room.

My eyes widen. "N-No. Oh no..." I mumble. I drop my bag and run to the room. That's my sister! She's dying!! "NO!! NO NO NO!!" I yell. I look at the doctors. "SAVE HER!!!! KEEP HER ALIVE!!!" None of the doctors even bother to look at me; they are too focused on trying to stabilize my sister.

"Some one get him out of here!" One doctor says, waving me off.

"On it!" A nurse replies as she walks towards me. "Come on.." She reaches for me. I back up. "No!" She sighs and tries to reach for me again. "I said no! Go and help her!!"

"Toby!" My mother says, "Please listen to he--" Her words were cut off by the long droning sound of the heart monitor flatlining. I look over at it and stop, my eyes widen. "N-No.." I whisper, tearing up.

A doctor gets the defibrillators started and try to start her hurt again. But, it never does....

I run out of the room. My vision blurred by the large amounts of tears falling down my face. I don't know why I was running, but I must be in the parking lot. I drop to my knees on the grass and cry.

My sister!! I scream in my head. SHE'S DEAD!!!!

I don't know when she got there, but my mom gently grabs my shoulders and brings me to my feet, probably walking me to the car. I was still crying, but silently, spacing out. I heard what sounded like her voice, but I couldn't make out any words.

My sister... She's gone...

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