Chapter 8 - Welcome home....Hoodie

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A/N: Hello there!! I am typing this out on my phone so I don't constantly have to use a computer. There are most likely going to be spelling mistakes, so please bare with me. Don't edit me in the comments, I really hate that.. °^° Anywhoo... Enjoy!

I was fast asleep ten minutes after I got into bed. It usually doesn't take me that long to fall asleep, plus since I was looking at a computer screen for such a long time. I was having a relatively peaceful sleep until my brain startled me awake, because it knew something was wrong.

I was staring at the ceiling, still slightly visible from the moon light shining through the window. I heard my bedroom door creak open very slowly and someone shuffle across the floor and over into the corner. I didn't dare move. What the hell? What's in my room..? I thought. I ever so slowly turned my head to look into the corner.

All I saw was a dark silhouette, human, crouched in the corner. It shifted ever so slightly and I caught sight of a white mask with black around the eyes, black lips and eyebrows. I gasped. The hell?? I thought, frightened.

It must have known I was awake, because it got up and made it's way over to the edge of my bed. I sat up quickly, about to yell at it, only to be pushed back down and the masked figure put a gloved finger against the mask's lips as if to tell me to be quiet. The next thing I knew, it pressed a cloth against my mouth. I smelled something sickly sweet and I started feeling dizzy. I started struggling against it, but I soon blacked out.


"Uuggh.." I groaned.

I sat up slowly, but quickly laid back down as a piercing headache sliced through my head. "Mother of God! Holy sh- my head! What did I do last night!" I mumbled. I opened my eyes slightly to find myself not in my room, but a different one. What the hell? Where am I? I thought, confused.

Ever so slowly, I sit up and place my feet on the cold floor, flinching as the movement caused my headache to feel like an Axe was in my skull. Groaning, I stand up, walk over to the door, and open it. I peak my head out into the hall. Empty.

"Strange.. This isn't my house and it looks empty.." I mumble to myself. I open the door fully and walk into the hall, looking back and forth. "Hello," I call out, "Anyone here?" I walk down the stairs and come upon a living room. What the? It has furniture and everything! Even a gaming console! ((A/N: Guess whose! XD))

I explored the whole house only to find it was the size of a mansion. It's empty, but the strange thing about that is that every room I went into, it looked like a bedroom! One was black and white, another looked like a Legend of Zelda one, one looked like it housed a little girl, another one smelled like decaying bodies, another with blood stained white hoodies strewn all over the floor. There were so many more..

But, I didn't want to stay too long, because it was starting to give me the creeps. I found my way to the door and opened it up, revealing a roofed porch. I stepped out side into the bright sunlight and looked around at my surroundings.

"Uumm..." I said, shocked. I was completely surrounded my woods. Everywhere I looked, tree, tree, tree, masked figure, tree, tree, tr-- I froze. I scanned backwards a bit and my eyes stopped on the white masked figure standing at the edge of the clearing. "Oh shit.." I mumbled as I glanced over to the opposite side of the forest.

I took of running and jumped over the railing, sprinting as fast as I could, dodging trees, searching for a way out. I glanced behind me, not seeing the masked figure chasing after me, so I slowed down to a jog. My lungs were burning, gasping like a dying fish, trying to get oxygen into them.

I looked around in all directions, trying to see at least some sort of path out of this stupid forest! I looked over my shoulder one more time to see if I was being followed. I thought I saw a flash of white, but I dismissed it as bird, or a trick of a sun ray. Then I smashed into something. Hard.

I fell backwards, landing on my tailbone. "Ouch! What the fuck! Did I run into a tree or something?!" I exclaimed. I looked up only to come face-to-not face of a pastey white, tall, suited man. I was frozen. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't.

All of a sudden, my head was filled with noise. All staticy and loud. I screamed and plugged my ears, trying to block it out. I began coughing uncontrollably and I layer there on the ground, feeling like I was dying. I opened my eyes a bit to see the masked figure standing there take off his mask. "T-Tim..?!" I managed to croak.

"Welcome home....Hoodie."

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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