Chapter 12

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**Several sad weeks after the death of Toby's sister**

I was sitting in the front seat of my mom's car, going back home from my sister's funeral. I look over at my mom and see that she's gripping the wheel so tight, that her knuckles were white. She's trying not to cry.. I thought to myself. I sigh quietly and look back out the window. We pull back into the driveway and my dad walks out and stands on the porch. I make a face of disgust when I saw him.

"What.. tookya so.. long..?" He said, slurring his words together. 

Of course he's drunk! I think. Skips my sister's funeral just to get fucking drunk!! I get out of the car and close the door a bit too hard out of irritation. I walk passed him and into the house. "Hey! I'ma.. talking toya!!" I hear my father yell behind me. I ignore him and walk straight to my room, slamming the door. I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM SO MUCH!! I yell in my head. 

I then hear someone walking towards my bedroom and the door bursts open, revealing my angry father. He glares at me and I just glare right back. He then suddenly walks up and smacks me right across the face. I stumble to the side, grabbing onto my dresser to prevent me from falling over onto the floor. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!" He screamed at me. I just look down at the ground, shaking and trying not to cry. 

He raises his hand and smacks me again, harder. This time I fall back, crying out in pain. My mother comes running in. "Stop!! Stop hitting him!!" She cries, grabbing my drunk father's arm. He turns to her and slaps her. "DON'T TOUCH ME, WOMAN!!" He yells loudly at her. I quickly stand and shove him. "NO, YOU DON'T TOUCH HER, YOU BASTARD!!!!" He stumbles forward into the wall. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE HERE ANYMORE!!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE AND DON'T DESERVE TO BE MARRIED TO MY MOTHER!!!" My father just slowly turns around to face me. I brace myself in case he decides to hit me again, but instead he just walks out. My mother flinches as he walks by her, silently crying. 

I sigh and walk over to my mom, hugging her. She slowly hugs back and looks at my face. "Are you alright, dear..?" She asks quietly. "The side of your face is bruising." I nod. "I'll be fine, ma.. It doesn't hurt." Mom nods and kisses my head, walking out. "Wash up. I'll be cooking dinner soon." She adds before closing my door. 

**Time skip, because you have a very lazy author**

A month has passed since my sister died. I miss her greatly and I visit her grave as much as I can, even if I have to walk. I usually spend all day "with her." I sit underneath the tree she's buried under in the cemetery and "talk" with her. I tell her how much I miss her and stuff. I look up and see that the sun is starting to set. Sighing, I stand up and stretch. Then my neck "ticks." It turns out that I have a form of tourettes. I have a nervous twitch. My doctor said it's from all the emotional trauma I've had.

I stuff my hands in my jacket pockets and slowly start walking out of the cemetery and back home. As I was walking, I glanced over at the trees and I thought I saw someone standing there. I stop and look completely over. I did see someone! It's a guy! He's wearing a yellowish-orange jacket and a white mask with black eyes, lips, and eyebrows. I tilt my head in confusion. "The hell..?" I mumble to myself. I turn the other way slightly to see if there was anyone else and I saw no one. I looked back to where I saw the guy in the mask, but he wasn't there! I blinked. I swear I saw someone standing there.. I think.

I shrug and continue walking. "You're tired, Toby.. You're probably just seeing things." 

I walk up my driveway and into the house. "Mom! I'm home." I call, closing the door behind me. "Dinner is in the microwave for you, dear!" She replies back. I nod and walk to the kitchen, getting my dinner and sit at the table. I look out the window while I eat, face expressionless. Then all of a sudden, the guy from earlier pops up right outside the fence in my backyard. I stop eating and blink. I rub my eyes and when I look back, he's gone. "What the fuck??" I say. "Language Toby!" My mother calls from the livingroom. "Sorry, ma!"

I stand, taking care of my dishes and twitch. Am I really just seeing things? I begin to doubt my sanity. Or is that guy actually real..? I walk to my room. "I'm going to bed now!" I say and close the door. I look out my bedroom window and scan the yard for the man. "..." When I see nothing, I dress in pajamas and lay down for the night.


A/N: Hey there everybody!! I have decided to actually update today! *crowd cheers in background* Yay! XD The reason is because I was looking at the stats to this book and I saw 4.2k reads and I got a boost of confidence. Thank you all so much and I will try to update chapter 13 soon! 

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