Chapter 13

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I jolted awake from my dreamless sleep. I quickly sit up and look around. "What the hell?!" I yell aloud, standing. "Why am I in the middle of the woods?!?!" I spin in place, looking around at my surroundings. It was still night, because I saw stars in the sky through the trees. I can barely see much though! I need to get out of here.. I think. Suppressing a sudder, I start to walk forward, keeping one arm extended so I don't run into a tree. 

I constantly look around to see if I can find a path to lead me out of the woods. As I look one way, I see a dark silhouette standing partially behind a tree, as if it was watching me. Startled, I take a few steps back. "Wh-who are you?" I stutter towards the silhouette. It doesn't reply, but it does take a step forward and I see tendrils protrude from its back. My eyes widen. "What the fuck?!" I turn and run the opposite direction of the silhouette, dodging trees. I look behind me and I don't see the thing following me, but when I look forward again, it's right in front of me! I scream and swerve to the side to prevent myself from hitting it and continue running. Then all of a sudden, I hear someone else's footsteps running behind me.

I look over my shoulder again and see the guy with the white mask. Ohshitohshitohshit!!! I think, picking up the speed. Why are these people chasing me?!  I didn't do anything wrong!!! I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them again, the guy is right in front of me. I run straight into him and fall backwards. He just stumbled a step back, catching his own balance. I look up at him, wide eyed. "Wh-what do you want?!" I yell up at him. He just tilts his head, looking at me. I hear some leaves rustle and then another person in an orange hoodie comes walking over. He has a black mask, with red eyes and a red frown stitched into it. The guy in the white mask nods to him and the hoodie person nods back. I crawl backwards, trying to get away from them, but they follow me. Then suddenly, they look up from me and straight forward, stopping in their tracks.

I ran into something. Thinking it was a tree, I wrap my arms around it. Then all of a sudden, I feel something wrap around my arms, and I'm lifted into the air. My eyes widen and I look at this supposed tree only to see a faceless figure lifting me up with its tendrils. I start to struggle. "LET ME GO!!" I scream at it. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!!" I look directly at it and the sound of static fills my ears, causing me to look around in confusion at the sound. I see the two other guys covering their ears and fall to their knees in pain. I blink, looking back at the faceless creature. It's head is tilted, almost like it's confused or thinking.

Then it drops me! I close my eyes tightly for impact on the hard ground.


Instead of landing on the ground, I land on my bed in my room. I open my eyes and look around. "What? How did I get back here??" I say quietly. I stand and look around. "Did that thing put me here...?" I walk to the window and look out, but I see nothing. Whatever the hell just happened, I know it isn't over.


A/N: Hey there again! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 13 of Toby!! Since I posted this earlier than I imagined, I guess I will work on Chapter 14 too. *gasps* TWO chapters in one day?!?!?!! *throws confetti and glitter* YAAAAYYYY!!!! XD Toby's story is drawing closer to the end though, so there will probably only be like two more chapters, so enjoy this! Until next time m'dears... ;)

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