Chapter 7

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        A/N: Weeeelllllllll, as you can tell, I haven't updated is a while. Too much stuff going on at the moment. But, yeah. Hope you enjoy this next chapter!


        After that weird encounter with Tim, I haven't seen him since then. It's been weeks now. No phone calls, no letters, nothing. Just me, sitting in my living room, playing out what had happened that day in my head. People are still worrying about me. Apparently I'm spacing out, like I guess I'm just caught up in my thoughts. 

        I've also been feeling like I'm being watched. Like, when ever I turn my back. And when I look over my shoulder, no one is there. I'm really getting freaked out. I can't even look out the window for too long at night for the sake of my sanity being lost of paranoia. Who knew just losing your best friend and never seeing him again could drive you crazy? I mean, you don't see cases about this.. Well maybe if they died or something (( A/N: Sorry for any of my readers who have lost a friend.. :c )), but Tim isn't dead! Because he looked perfectly fine when I last saw him..several..weeks ago.


         **A few days later**

        My life has made a huge turn for the worse! I am now seeing this guy with a wierd girly looking white mask standing at the edge of the forest, by my bedroom window! (( A/N: Look for pic in media if on computer, look for it at start of chapter if on mobile device.)) It is seriously freaking me out! Twice I've opened up my window to shout to him, but when I poke my head out and look where he is standing, he's gone! Fucking gone! Like he just vanished into thin air! Poof! I'm so paranoid now, I constantly look over my shoulder and I swear I see that masked guy everytime. 

        I've set up security cameras around the perimitter of my house to see if I can catch what that guy is up too. Maybe if I get anything good I can call the cops and send them after him. I logged onto my lap top and set up connection to the cameras and looked at each and everyone of them. Eyes flicking around to every movement made. "Where are you ya lil' fucker.." I mumble to myself, scanning the monitor.

        After a few ours of looking at nothing but trees and birds flying by, my eyes start to grow itchy and eyelids heavy. I slap my face a couple times to keep myself awake. "Can't sleep now! I'll miss something if I do!" I checked my watch. "Holy shit! 11:30pm?! Wow.. I have no life if I can sit here this long and stare at nothing.." Sighing, I stood up, deciding that I'll just let the cameras record the outside world and I'll check them in the morning. "Nothing's happening anyways.." I mumble, heading to my room. I lay down and slowly fall asleep.

        Too bad I didn't check the camera pointed at the front door before I went to bed.. 


        A/N: Sorry for a short chapter! I hope I left off just enough suspense that'll you be practically begging me to update! I also hoped you enjoyed this chapter and are hungry for more! Don't forget to comment and and star! <3

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