Chapter 15 - Ticci Toby

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A/N: Ciao, my readers! :3 I just want you to know that this is the last chapter of both Toby and this book. I hope you will enjoy this last chapter. I will do my best to make it as exciting as possible for all of you!!

***WARNING: There will be gore! Usually is when it comes to Creepypasta, but I just wanted to warn you in case you'd prefer not to read about blood or whatever. Continue at your own risk!***


I laid there on the side walk for about an hour before I actually decided to stand up. My body felt stiff. I groaned just because of it. What the hell... I think. I slowly take off my hoodie and lift up my shirt to reveal my stomach and side. I made a face at what I saw. A large black and blue bruise showing up on my stomach, spreading across over to my side and ribs. I gently prod at it, but I feel no pain. I slowly let out a breath and put my shirt back on, then the hoodie. 

I look around and see no one around. I turn and slowly make my way to the cemetery. Ticci Toby! Derek's voice repeats in my head. Ticci Toby!! I glare at the ground and twitch. "I shouldn't have survived that car crash.." I say to myself. When I get to my sisters grave underneath the oak tree, I slowly sit in front of it. "Hey, sis.." I quietly say, a small partial smile showing on my face. "I still miss you very much." I tear up and look down. "I wish you were still here so you can chase the bullies away.." The name Ticci Toby keeps repeating in my head in Derek's voice. I clench my fists and look up at the tombstone, staring at my sister's name and explain to her what had happened just an hour ago. I tell her about the name he called me and how I don't feel any pain from the large bruise on my stomach, side and ribs. I start to cry. And I cry hard, releasing all the emotional pain I felt. I may not feel any physical pain, but I still have feelings... emotions. I gently rest my forehead on my sister's tombstone and just stayed like that while I cried.

**Some hours later**

 I had stopped crying a while ago, but I was still shaking. My fists were clenched and resting on the ground. Every word, every insult, every name people have called me flow like a river through my head. Slowly, I stand up and look forward. "I'm not taking anymore of this." I demand. "I'm tired of being mistreated and pushed around!" I start walking home, seething with anger.

I stomp up the driveway and see a car in the garage. My father is home, probably drunk like the stupid bastard he is. I growl and walk inside the house. My father, who was sitting on the couch surrounded by beer cans, looks over. "'bout time ya fucking get here!" He growls at me in his slurred drunken tone. I glare and flip him off with both fingers, walking to the kitchen. Dad frowns and stands. "Mind showin' me that again, boy..." He says lowly. I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around. I slowly raise my hands and put my middle fingers up. "Fuck. You." I say to him. If looks could kill, we both would have just dropped dead right then and there, because the glares we were giving each other were so full of hate.

He suddenly walks up to me and smacks me hard. I stumble to the side and brace myself  on the wall. I didn't feel the pain, but I acted like I did. Just to throw him off track. He raised his fist and hit me again. "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT SON!!" He screams at me. I don't face him, just the wall, taking the beatings. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE!" I start twitching and he noticed, because my father called me the one name I hate most. "TICCI TOBY!!!"

I tense.

Ticci Toby... The name repeats in my head. Ticci Toby Ticci Toby TICCI TOBY TICCI TOBY!!!!! A grin slowly creeps across my face. "Ticci...Toby.." I quietly mutter, the creepiest grin on my face. I slowly turn to face my father, eyes widen and grinning. "That is my name, isn't it.. father. Ticci.. fucking... Toby!!" Then I start laughing. The craziest laugh ever. My father blinks. "What's so funny?" He asks, still partially drunk. I look at him, still chuckling. "Stop laughing!" He yells.

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