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You had been playing for a few hours now and it was just you and Dustin left. Both of you were low. It was Dustin's roll. We all watched in anticipation. The tension was high, this is yours and Eddie's final campaign, you had to win. "That's. A. Miss!" You heard Eddie say. He had a huge smile on his face. He was defiantly enjoying this. You still had your turn to go though. Everyone was depending on you. You took the dice and began to shake it. You looked at Eddie and your eyes locked. Your face got warmer and you quickly looked away, before rolling the dice. The room was silent until the dice landed. you closed your eyes and waited.

"Crit hit!" you hear Mike yell. you looked at the dice then at Eddie in pure disbelief. Everyone else began celebrating. You had won. "what? WHAT?" Eddie looked around with a huge smile on his face. "That's why we play." He looked at you and bowed, then reached his hands out. you stood there proud and just smiled at him.

After everything was packed up and everyone else was gone it was just you and Eddie left in the room. "You ready to go?" you walked over to him and placed your hand on his shoulder. He sighs and stands up. "You played well, Y/n." Eddie smiled at you, you felt your cheeks warm up from the flattery. "Thank you, Dungeon master." You smirked at him, he rolled his eyes and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You both laughed as he ran through the halls with you over his shoulder. He ran outside, then stopped laughing and put you down gently. You gave him a confused look. "What happened? Why the sudden mood drop Eddie?" You questioned, he just looked at you then behind you. He scratched his head and nodded to something behind you. "Better not keep Harington waiting much longer." He smiled at you. You felt your heart drop. You had completely forgotten about what was going to happen tonight. "Oh..yeah." You turn to look at Steve, he waves you over and you run over to him. "Bye Eddie!" You yell back to your friend, though when you turn around you see Chrissy run up to him. He has a huge smile on his face while there talking. You watch as he leads her to his truck and holds her hand as she gets in. You feel your chest tighten and a huge pang of jealousy. "Y/N?" You turn to Steve who had picked up on your sudden mood change. "You ok? We don't have to go back to mine if you don't want to?" He smiles reassuringly. You shake your head and smile, grabbing his hand and walking to his car. "No. I think I'm ready Steve." You smile at him. His face instantly lightens up. "You mean, like, your ready to go ALL the way?" He picks you up and spins around with you. You chuckle and nod. "Yesss. But not if you keep spinning me!" You both laugh and get into his car.

{Time skip to when your at Steve's house}

You were lay on your back, shirtless. Steve was on top of you, also shirtless. Your face was bright red as you looked at him. You were extremally nervous. "Y/n, are you ok? Your shaking." Steve finally spoke, he sounded worried and placed a hand on your cheek. You nodded slightly and took a deep breath. "So, how should we do this?" You looked up at Steve praying he knew what he was doing. He laughed "I have no idea Y/n. I've never, done it, with a guy." You sighed you knew he had been with girls but you hadn't been with either. Steve was your first relationship. You guys hadn't even kissed before. Well apart from in Eddie's dream. Suddenly you remembered the scenario you saw between Chrissy and Eddie earlier that night. Was he taking he back to his trailer. What where they going to do.. Your mind began to wonder what they could be doing. You couldn't help but get jealous. What does she have that you don't? Why doesn't Eddie hold your hand? Your mind went blank for a second. You love Eddie. You jumped when you felt something wet on your neck. Steve had started leaving small kisses on your neck to get your attention. "You keep spacing out, love. What's going on that beautiful mind of yours?" Steve smiled as he continued to kiss your neck. 


You and Steve were now sat beside each other, still shirtless. "Steve-" He interrupted you before you could finish. "I kind off already knew." He said letting out a small chuckle. You felt really bad. You couldn't tell what was on Steve's mind. "Steve, I'm so sorry." Steve turned to look at you with a soft smile on his face. He shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. "It's fine, Y/n. Really I get it. You can't help who you like." You didn't understand why he was being to nice about this all. "Are you not mad at me? Or at least upset?" You gave him a confused look. He just shrugged and shook his head. "I mean, yeah I'm upset but if I'm being completely honest I think I like someone else too." You froze, then burst out laughing. Steve gave you a confused look. "We are both idiots!" You spit out between laughs, Steve joins in and starts laughing too. "Yeah" He pushes his hair back while still laughing.

After you both had calmed down he offered to drive you to Eddie's trailer. You accepted the offer and where now standing outside, thinking about what you were going to tell Eddie. You took in a deep breath and walked up to the trailer.

As soon as you got to the door it flew up and you fell back. A very scared Eddie ran out and ran straight past you. You looked into the trailer and saw, Chrissy on the floor. All her limbs and jaw broken. You looked in the direction Eddie had ran and luckily still saw him. You instantly started running after him

You had been running for at least 10 minutes before Eddie ran into a house. You slowed down before walking up to the door. You opened the door slowly and walked in. You were instantly pinned against the wall by someone. You looked up to see Eddie, he looked back at you in pure fear. "Y/n.. What are you doing here?" You gave him a confused look. "I was behind you the entire time you had been running, Eddie."  You spoke quietly, trying not to frighten him more. He moved away from you tripping over a table. "Eddie, what the fuck happened at the trailer." You crouched down in front of Eddie who was now on the floor. You had never seen him look this scared in his life. He had tears in his eyes and was trembling. You cupped his face in your hands, he jumped slightly. "I didn't do it I promise Y/n. You have to believe me." He begged holding your hands on his face. You hated seeing him like this. You pulled him onto you and held onto him as he cried in your arms and explained everything that happened.

1233 words

Ik this chapter is shorter then the last one but I need another piss so ill write chapter 3 when im back from that

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