>A blast from the past [7]<

896 27 18

TW: abusive parents

"Y/n, please calm down. You need to help me row." The basketball team had found where you Eddie were hiding and were currently swimming towards the boat the two off you were sat in, trying to get away from Patrick and Jason. You were panicking and couldn't think about anything other than what will happen if they catch you. The two boys in the water where catching up to you. Suddenly Patrick stops swimming and you all freeze when he seems to get dragged under the water, not even seconds later shooting out and levitating above the water. Eddie got startled and ended up tipping the boat, causing you both to fall into the water. You watched as his arms and legs snapped then his jaw. While Jason was distracted you and Eddie started swimming towards the other side of the lake. Once there you grabbed Eddie's hand and ran to the one place you thought you would be safe. Skull rock. 

"Well, this is a blast from the past." Eddie chuckled trying to brighten the mood. Skull rock had been the place you and Eddie had first met at. You had gone there after the accident. It was both the worst and best night of your life, though your memory was always a bit hazy whenever you thought back to that night.

"Y/n! Tea is ready!" You looked towards the door and headed towards it. It was your mom that had called you. You ran out of your room and downstairs. "Mom?" You called out looking around trying to find her. "In the kitchen, hun!" She called, you followed her voice into the kitchen. She was facing away from you and you could smell something nice. "What's for dinner?"  She turned to face you. "Your favorite of course!" You smiled and took a seat at the table while you waited for her to serve you your food. Your dad walked in not long after and snuck up behind you. "Boo!" He said as he grabbed your shoulders, causing you to jump. You and your dad both laughed as he scuffed up your hair. He then walked over to your mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the table too. You all talked about your days as your mom served the food and joined you and your dad at the table. "So, Y/n. Do you want to tell your dad what you did today?" The mood shifted as all the focus fell on you. You looked down at your food and shrugged as you started poking a fry. "I got sent home early." Your dad let out an annoyed sigh. "What happened this time?" He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms disappointed. You stayed quiet. "Y/n. Tell your dad what you did." Your mom sounded mad, which didn't usually happen often. "A boy was being mean to me, he called me a freak." Your dad leaned his arms on the table, waiting for you to continue. "So in class, I hurt him." You stated plainly, your dad sighed again and your mom looked at you. "Tell him what you did to the boy." You looked up to see them both looking at you angrily. "I stabbed his hand with a knife." Your dads eyes widened and he slammed his hands on the table before standing up. "What have we told you about controlling yourself?!" He yelled at you, you felt tears form in your eyes. He walked over to you and slapped you across the face. "Do you have any idea what you've done?! If his parents decide to sue, me and your mother will be the ones in trouble. They could take you away from us!" He continued to shout at you. You felt anger rushing through you. "He was mean to me! He's always mean to me, everyday!" He slapped you again, you stared up at him as he began to yell at you again. "That doesn't give you the right to bloody stab the boy! So what if he called you a freak?! Can you really blame him? You act like one, and your looks don't help!" You the anger growing, you stood up slowly. "I am not a freak." Tears were pouring out your eyes at this point. "Aren't you?" Your mom stood up and walked over to your dad, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Honey, I think it's time to stop now." He slapped her hand away and grabbed you by the collar your shirt, dragging you over to the kitchen counter. He grabbed your hand and placed it on the counter. He grabbed a knife from a draw and held it above your hand. Your mom was screaming at him to stop now, though he was ignoring her. It was obvious that he had been drinking. "Your scared boy?!" You were trying to pull your hand away. "Let me go!!" You screamed thrashing yourself about. He raised the knife up before bringing it down through your hand. You screamed in pain, and your mom continued to yell at your dad. 

freaks [eddie munson x M!reader]Where stories live. Discover now