>a freaky turn of events [4]<

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TW: slight smut

Nobody had said anything for a while. you were panicking. you didn't know how to feel, Eddie hadn't let go of you, but he also wasn't saying anything and you couldn't bring yourself to look at his face. "Y/n?" He sounded different to usual. His voice was deeper and raspy. "yes, Eddie?" Your voice was shaky and quiet. "Tell me everything that happened in those dreams." You froze. Why did he want to know what happened? surly that will only annoy him more. "But-" "Tell me, Y/n. At least tell me about one." He pleaded. He sounded more needy now, rather then annoyed. "You had me pinned against the wall-" Before you could finish he got out of the bed and pulled you with him. He pinned you against the wall gently, both of you breathing heavily. Your face was bright red. "Continue." He spoke quietly, your breathing hitched and you looked down avoiding eye contact. "You...You started.. uhm" You couldn't get any words out, you were focused on trying to hide the small issue in your pants. He placed a finger under your chin and tilted you head up so you were looking at him. You both just stared at each other before he moved closer to you and pressed his lips against yours. You instantly melted into the kiss. It wasn't long till your tongues were fighting for dominance, he won and his tongue started exploring the inside of your mouth instantly. The kiss made you feel drunk, your legs felt weak. You felt something press against your crotch and you let out a soft moan. Eddie pulled away from the kiss to look at the mess he had made of you. He chuckled and picked you up, then placed you on the bed. "That's enough for tonight, sweetheart." He got into bed next to you and pulled you close to him before you both fell asleep.

320 words.

ight i know these chapters seem to be getting shorter nd shorter but i promise the next one will be longer NOW IM GONNA GO READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN COZ I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO :D

freaks [eddie munson x M!reader]Where stories live. Discover now