>wrinkly sack off shit [9]<

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You didn't know how long you had been walking but, you didn't care how long it took. You just wanted Eddie back and to kill Vecna. You looked around and saw red smoke surrounding you. The ground had also seemed to have become wet. You noticed parts of a house surrounding you and pillars made of weird vines. You looked at the vine pillars and noticed the familiar body, of Chrissy. You looked at the others and saw other bodies in a same state as Eddie and Chrissy. 

"I heard you were looking for me, Y/n." You heard a croaky voice come from behind you. You turned to see the disgusting creature. "Vecna." He laughed and shook his head. "Awe, c'mon, Y/n. You know that's not my name." You gave him a confused look. "The fuck you talking about, you wrinkly testicle." You spat, causing him to only laugh again. "Don't you remember?" You looked at him weirdly and shook your head. "I looked after you when Papa didn't want you around the our brothers and sisters." You clenched your jaw as all your memories came running back to you. Before you were sent to live with your parents you were raised in a lab, with a bunch of other kids. Though 'Papa' never let you play with them, because you where 'bad'. 

Vecna's laugh brought you out of your thoughts. "You remember me now, Y/n!?" He yelled throwing his arms out as if asking for a hug. You clenched your jaw. "Yes. I remember you, number 1." Vecna's laughs stopped. "I never told you that." You smirked at him. "It wasn't that hard to figure it out, 1. Your shirt rolled up a couple times. You really have to be more careful with that stuff." You watched as Vecna's mood shifted from calm to annoyed. His gaze shifted from you to the body in your arms. "Ah, yes. The boyfriend. Sorry about that, brother. He was just so easy." At this point it was just a battle of who could piss the other off the most. You tightened your grip on Eddie. "Did you know, that you made him vulnerable to me?" You gave him a confused look. "You made him feel so bad about himself. He never felt enough for you, and thought he had to change so you'd want him." Your heart sank, and you remembered all the times that you could've made him feel like that. You shook the memories away. "Bring him back!" You demanded, causing Vecna let out a low chuckle. "Are you really that stupid, Y/n? I'm not god. I can't bring people back from the dead." Your anger was building up again and you gripped onto Eddies body. "Listen here. Your gonna find a way to bring him back. Become god if you have to." You yelled at the man before you. He sighed and shook his head. "Why don't you? Or did you forget how to, after you killed your parents?" He smirked as he began circling you. "See, me and you aren't all that different, 12. We both killed our parents-" You interrupted him before he had a chance to go on. " WE are nothing alike! I didn't mean to kill them, it was an accident!" tears began to form in your eyes again as you screamed at the man circling you. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Was it though?" You had had enough. You placed Eddie down gently and turned to vecna. "Your really starting to get on my nerves, number 1." He clenched his fist. You thought back to back when you were younger and papa would keep you away from the other children, when your dad would yell at you and hit you, when the kids at school were mean to you. When you couldn't save Eddie. You felt your body heat up as you got ready to fight.

You let out a loud scream and light particles flew out of in every direction, Vecna gave you a confused look and shook his head as you ran at him. You punched him in the jaw, causing him to fall to the ground. You got on top of him and instantly started punching him none stop. Though your heart sank when you heard him start laughing again. "You thought it would be that easy?" You felt something wrap around your ankles and pull you into the air. You looked at your ankles and saw that the vines had got you. More of the vines wrapped around your wrists and brought you down to Vecna's level. He walked towards you slowly, still laughing. You thrashed around and let out loud screams as you realized you where screwed. While you were screaming Vecna covered his ear. The loud noises really seemed to get to him. "Shut up!" He yelled as a vine wrapped your neck and started choking you. You gasped for air. "You are just as annoying as you were back then." He sighed as he stood in front of you. "And here I  thought we could be friends, and get our revenge papa together." He shook his head as he raised his hand above your face. Your life began flashing before your eyes, from when you where first taken to the lab to Eddie's death. Tears rolled down your cheeks as his hand grew closer to your head. 

Suddenly there was a loud noise and Vecna's attention was shifted to where the noise had come from. "Get away from my boyfriend your, wrinkly piece of shit!" Your heart skipped a beat as soon as you heard the familiar voice. "How the fuck did you manage that?" Vecna turned to you only to be met with a cheesy smile. "God you teenagers are disgusting." He snarled as he raised his back up to your face. Eddie started playing a tune on his guitar. "C'mon, baby! you know this one!" He shouted to you, you pulled on the vines as Eddie played. "When I go to sleep, I can't even full asleep! Something's got ahold of me!" He sang to you as loud as he could, while still playing his guitar. "Feel it taking over me. But when I'm older, I'll be moving onward!" The sound of the guitar was getting to Vecna and throwing him off. You took this as a chance to escape. "I just got a  drunk text. Meet me at our spot!" You used every bit of power you could to break the vines. "We caught a vibe! Baby, are you coming for the ride?!" Eddie kept singing which helped you, because Vecna seemed like he couldn't choose who to focus on. "When I look into your eyes!" You raised your hand blowing Vecna back. "I just wanna hold you all night!" You laughed as you realized Eddie was really feeling this moment. You lifted your arm up higher causing Vecna to levitate. "How, are you doing all this?! He never taught you this!" Vecna gritted his teeth as you started choking him. "I'm a fucking god." You smirked, as blood dripped out your eyes, ears and nose. Just like that Vecna's arms, legs and jaw snapped, right before his eyes popped. You released his body before running over to Eddie, running on only adrenaline. 

"Eddie!" You reached your arms out. "Y/n!" He did the same, wrapping his arms around you as soon as the two of you collided. You held each other tightly as scared to let go of one another. You heard some familiar voices getting closer to you. You turned around to see everyone else. They all gave you worried looks. You were about to speak but suddenly everything went blank

1290 words

YOOOOOO BIG FIGHT WHAT??? EDDIE'S ALIVE WHAT????? I'm hoping ya'll have grasped that I've stopped going by the actual story now :'] ANYWAYS next chapter will be the last one that goes by the story line. The others will be like one shots. Until the next part comes out, depending on what happens in that depends on weather I write anything along that story line :]

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