{I love you Eddie}

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(Ha sad story time? I think so.)
TW: ED, Homophobia, SH, suicide attempt

You and Eddie had been through a lot over the years of knowing each other. From Eddie coming out to you, and you comforting him when everyone at school found out, to every time you relapsed and the time you passed out after not eating for a week. You were best friends and cared for each other dearly. Eddie was the first person to accept you when you told him you were a boy. Ever since you've been like two pees in a pod.

"Hey, Y/n. Get your lazy ass up. We've got school." Eddie shook you awake. You sat up slowly, pushing him away from you. "Ok, ok. I'm awake." You sighed getting out of bed. "Hurry up and get ready then." Eddie erdged you on as he took a seat at your desk. You glared at him. "Get out." You snapped, Eddie snorted and raised his hands before leaving the room.

After changing you walked out. Eddie was sat at the side of your room waiting for you. "Nancy and Mike left a few minutes ago." He stated as he got up. You shrugged and walked downstairs, Eddie following close behind.

"Good morning, Y/n." Your mom, Karen Wheeler greeted you with a smile. "Hey, miss wheeler." Eddie grinned as he took a seat at the kitchen table. "Oh, Eddie! I didn't see you, good morning, dear." Your mom gave Eddie a sweet smile as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. You rolled your eyes and smiled, sitting beside Eddie.

You picked up and glass of water, taking a sip. "So, are you two dating yet?" You spat out the water and began choking on it, causing Eddie to laugh and your mom to give you a worried look. "No!" You spat out in between coughs. "Yeah, he just keeps rejecting me." Eddie placed a hand on his chest giving your mom his signature puppy dog eyes. She laughed at the two of you. "Well, hurry up and win them over! I wanna start planning your wedding!" She exclaimed looking at you. You groaned and stood up, grabbing Eddie's arm and pulling him with you. He quickly grabbed the pancakes, shoving one in his mouth. "We've got to go!" You yelled as you dragged the brunette towards the door. "Bye guys!" She called from the kitchen, waving at you both. "Bye mom!" You called back, opening the door. "Bye, miss wheeler!" Eddie yelled before being dragged out the house.

You were sat in Eddie's truck listening to music. The windows open. Neither of you talking, just occasionally singing along whenever either of you knew the words.

It wasn't a long journey. Soon enough you arrived at school. Eddie parked the car and got out. You hopped out too and walked around to the other side to meet him. "I can't wait to leave this place." You sighed looking towards the school as you leaned on Eddie's truck. He nodded in agreement as he munched on some more of the pancakes your mom had made. "Want one?" He held one out to you. You shook your head and smiled at him. "You know I don't eat in the mornings." He gave you a pained look then threw the rest of the pancakes in the bin next to him. "Welp, I need to get to class if I actually want to graduate this year." Eddie whined as turned to you. You chuckled and pushed yourself off the car. "Same here. Cya at lunch?" You asked as you began to walk towards the building. "Of course." Eddie smiled, you nodded and ran off disappearing into the building. Eddie waited till you left before letting his head drop. "Oh, Y/n. Why cant you just talk to me." He clenched his jaw before sniffling and standing up straight. He fixed his clothes and started heading towards the building.

You sat down in your English class. Nobody else was there yet, but you liked being early. It meant you could pick your seat and you didn't have to talk to anyone.

Soon enough more students walked in, taking there seats as the teacher spoke up, gaining there attention.

You weren't paying much attention. You were writing things down in your diary that miss Kelly had given you. Though you mostly used it to write songs.

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