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{Ok this one is based off the song 'Mary' by Alex G. I felt it would be a cute on to do a nice short chapter on, at least I think it'll short. I hope it will be. I'm tired asf bro}

{ayo backstory time}

You and Eddie have known each other since Eddie's first run in with your brother Jackson. The two never got along and loved to get at each others throats. They would always try upset the other in whatever way they could. Unfortunately for you they would use you to do that. If Jackson wanted to piss off Eddie he would pull you out of Eddie's campaigns. whether it be because his car broke down or he was struggling with homework or he needed help cheering up his girlfriend, you had to drop what you were doing to help him. However if Eddie wanted to piss off Jackson, he would flirt with you. Calling you pet names, touching you every chance he get, in a non-sexual way. You never really minded it, after a while you had just gotten used to it. Though if you were being honest, Eddie's constant flirting and teasing, only lead to you catching extreme feelings for him. You were great at hiding it however. Whenever Eddie flirted with you or teased you, you'd either laugh or ignore him, which was difficult when your in the same club, and even more so when he's your dungeon master.

It was a lunch time and you were looking for a place to sit. You heard a familiar voice calling to you and looked to your left to see your brother waving you over. "Come sit with us, Y/n!" He had a smug look on his face. You sighed as you began walking over. However, before you got there Eddie ran over and blocked you. "Good afternoon, sweetheart." This was one of those situations were the two males were trying to piss each other off. "Hi, Eddie." You gave him a blank look as he wrapped an arm around you. "Come. We need to discuss tonight's game." You nodded and looked over to your now annoyed looking brother. "Sorry, Jackson. Maybe tomorrow." You apologized and shrugged before walking over to the table where all your friends sat. You took a seat in between Dustin and Mike. You sat in silence as Eddie rambled on about the game tonight. You watched Eddie very closely. Every move he made. His expressions. The way his mouth moved as he spoke. His smile. You were obsessed with the man. Everything he did put your stomach in a whirl.

The next day, the same thing happened. Jackson called you over, Eddie asked you to sit with him, you chose Eddie. Once sat down, he payed no mind to you. But you didn't mind you just enjoyed watching him. Devouring every little detail about him. "Hey, sweetheart? You ok? You seem distracted." Eddie spoke up bringing your attention back to the real world. "What?" You were surprised he was calling you names. He had no need to. He walked over to you and leant close to your face. "I asked if you were ok, you can always talk to me." He looked genuinely worried. You smiled and nodded. Just then, in the corner of your eye you saw Jackson walking away from the table you were sat at. Your heart sank. "I'm fine." You said plainly. Eddie scratched the back of his neck and walked back over to his seat. It wasn't long till he was back to talking about DND. Sure it hurt a bit that Eddie only ever gave you attention when Jackson was around but you craved it. Hearing him call you 'Sweetheart' drove you crazy.

It was the same the next day and the day after. Though on Friday Eddie didn't seem to be in the lunch hall. But neither was your brother. So when you walked in expecting to have them squabble about where your going to sit, but they weren't there you found it difficult to decide on a place to sit. You settled with the Hellfire table, you talked to them more and it would be awkward sitting with your brothers friends.

Everything was going smoothly. The boys were all having a conversation and you were looking around for Jackson and Eddie. "So, Y/n, You got someone you like?" You shot you head to look at the boy who had asked the question. Mike. "Why do you want to know?" He shrugged and gave you a sweet smile. "We're your friends, yet you never tell us anything about you. Your always distracted by something." You looked around the table and all the boys were nodding in a agreement and looking at you. "Oh sorry." You laughed nervously scratching the back of your neck. "I guess there is someone." You mumbled. Everyone's face's lit up and they leaned in closer to you. "Tell us about them!" Dustin begged. You smiled and thought about it.

freaks [eddie munson x M!reader]Where stories live. Discover now