No Running Water

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East Haddam, Connecticut

Petrom66: *turns on the faucet in the kitchen sink, but no water comes out* Unbelievable!!!

Eleanor: What happened?

Petrom66: I can't get any running water!

ZSb402: That's because you failed to pay the water bill! Until the bill is paid, the water will be shut off for a period of time.

Eleanor: Who cut the water off?

ZSb402: I did. I work for Connecticut Water Works. Have a good day. *leaves*

Petrom66: This is bullcorn! I can't make pasta now! *bursts out crying* Its not fair, I tells ya! Its not fair! *sobbing hysterically*

Eleanor: *hugs her* I'm sorry.

Petrom66: *hugging Eleanor back, and still sobbing uncontrollably*

This story was written on Sunday, June 5th, 2022.

A/N You should have paid the water bill on time! All of this could have been prevented! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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