Best Buy
Berlin Turnpike
Newington, Connecticut
Melissa Wichowski: *looks for a webcam*
Best Buy Employee: Can I help you with anything, Ma'am?
Melissa Wichowski: I'm trying to look for a webcam.
Best Buy Employee: We don't have any. Sorry.
Melissa Wichowski: *downcast* I see.
Best Buy Employees: Check PC Richards, I guess. *shrugs and takes a bite of his Whopper from BK* You want my fries?
Melissa Wichowski: Sure. *takes them and eats them*
This story was written on Friday, June 10th, 2022.
A/N Too bad, Best Buy doesn't have webcams! Sorry, buddy! Try looking at PC Richards! 😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Twisty Tales Of June
Short StoryHere is another short story collection!! Dive in, and brace yourself for some crazy adventures throughout the fictional realm! Dead alligators, lip squeezing, crazy times at 5 Guys, and all kinds of twisty tales happening in various places in Connec...