Forgetfulness: Why do you guys like to write so much?
Me: Cause we just do!
zambootiee: Exactly! Writing is our passion!
darkstar_900: Its a creative outlet!
Forgetfulness: Writing is a waste of time!
Eleanor: No its not!
Audrey: Its a unique talent!
Forgetfulness: Writing is a waste of time! Enough said!
Owen: Your negativity is a waste of time! Enough said!
Forgetfulness: *feels like a total idiot*
This story was written on Friday, June 3rd, 2022.
A/N F, you are never right! You have no doggone clue what you're talking about! Writing is never a waste of time! If anything, your negativity is a waste of time! Take that in your pipe and smoke it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

Twisty Tales Of June
Historia CortaHere is another short story collection!! Dive in, and brace yourself for some crazy adventures throughout the fictional realm! Dead alligators, lip squeezing, crazy times at 5 Guys, and all kinds of twisty tales happening in various places in Connec...