Mountainside Resort
Wallingford, Connecticut
There was a huge graduation party for Samuel Thompson. He graduated from New Haven County High School in North Haven, Connecticut. There was a cookout. Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, potato salad, and chips and soda. His family was very proud of him.
Samuel graduated with the Class Of 2022. He would be attending Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond VA.
This story was written on Monday, June 20th, 2022.
A/N Congratulations, Samuel!!!! You did such a good job, during your four years of high school!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.
Twisty Tales Of June
Historia CortaHere is another short story collection!! Dive in, and brace yourself for some crazy adventures throughout the fictional realm! Dead alligators, lip squeezing, crazy times at 5 Guys, and all kinds of twisty tales happening in various places in Connec...