Dinner With Friends ~Part 1~ (SMUT)

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Hai, I love you <3 ;-;


Also, whenever you see something like this: 'Wow, he's so handsome.'

That is a though-to-self to whomever's POV it is.

ONE MOAR THANG: teh next stori wil be fluff c:



"Babe, c'mon! We needed to leave like.... 7 minutes ago." I shouted down the hall at (y/n). 'I don't understand why she takes forever, she's already so beautiful just naturally.' "Babe, my god what're y- Oh my lord, (y/n), you look.... Stunning."


'Shit shit shit shit. We're going to be late and it will be my fault again... C'mon, zip dammit!!!' I was internally yelling at myself and my dress. Mark started to say something again, but stopped when I walked into the living room. "Babe, my god what're y- Oh my lord, (y/n), you look .... Stunning." I felt my cheeks turn bright red while Mark looked me over.

~We are going out to dinner tonight with Arin, Suzy, Daniel and Ryan. (Arin and Suzy are form the Game Grumps, and Daniel and Ryan are 'Cyndago' c: ) It was a fancier dinner, I don't know why- Suzy just wanted to go somewhere fancy. I had picked out a white bodycon dress and paired it with red open-toed stilettos and a simple, thin red belt. I used a curling iron to give my (h/l) (h/c) hair a little volume, but still somewhat look natural. I had normal foundation that matched my skin tone, a small line of black cat-eyed eyeliner, and some mascara. I mean, I thought I looked pretty hot- and I guess Mark did too.~

"Why thank you, kind sir." I shot Mark a smile. He stretched his arm out for me to grab it and said, "No problem, M'lady. Now, shall we get on with the going." I just giggled and nodded. It was little things like that, that made me fall in love with Mark. The entire car ride there Mark held my hand in his and kept the other on the steering wheel. He would occasionally look over at me if the light was red or we had to stop at a stop-sign."Mark, you need to watch were you're going." I said, kindly but still a tone or sternness in my voice. Mark kissed the top of my hand and said, "I can't help but get distracted by your intense beauty." I smiled at Mark and he began driving once again. It wasn't very long until we reached the restaurant. Mark got out of the car after finding a parking spot and made a mad dash for my door, but I beat him to it. As I was trying to get out, Mark placed a hand on my forehead, and lightly pushed it against me. 


Mark: "No, get back in there. I want to open the door for you and help you out."

Self: "Mark, c'mon. Just let me out."

Mark: "NO! I am your fiance and I refuse for either of us to go into that building until you get your hot ass back into the car and let ME open your door and stuff."

Self: "Fine." *I stuck my tongue out at Mark playfully.*

Mark: *Clears his throat, and straightens his think, black tie. He slightly bends to open the passenger side door.* "M'lady."

Self: *I grabbed Marks hand and let him help me out* "You threw a fit over that? Really?" *Mark smiled and kissed my cheek* "But you also said something about my 'hot ass'?"


"But you also said something about my 'hot ass'?" (y/n) shot me a sly smile. "Oh, yeah. I did say that didn't I? I mean, babe... I can't help that you're just incredibly sexy." I was slightly startled when (y/n) stopped me in my tacks and viciously kissed me. As she started to pull away, she took a hold of my bottom lip between her teeth. She knew what she was doing- being a tease. She let her hands hang at her sides after she lifted them off of the back of my neck and started ahead of me.

'Jesus Christ, the way she looks in that dress... You know, if she wants to be a tease...'

I ran up behind her and grabbed a handful of her one of her ass cheeks and she gasped, also letting a small moan escape from her lips. Without letting go, I leaned next to her ear...

"Two can play at this game."


I know this chapter is really short, I just wanted this part to end like that. But the rest of this short will be in the next part. And it WILL be long.

lel, that's what she said.

I'll leave now ;-;

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