I Have No Words (For Brittany)

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First, I would like to say that this is a personal for @Cutiplier, so it will have her name and features in it. But, if you would like to read it as the "reader" then skip to the next chapter where it will be (Y/N) and things like that. So for Brittany (and any other Brittany out there); I hope you enjoy this. (: <3

Also, Mark isn't "Markiplier" in this one, but he is on YouTube; just Mark Fischbach (:


"What's the big deal about us meeting online? Tinder isn't any different than messaging someone over Facebook or something..." I looked over to Ashley who was giving me a strange look. "All I'm saying is that he could be someone he's not... like Catfish, y'know?" I rolled my eyes and darted back to her, "He is who he says he is... he's sent me pictures of himself and we've talked on the phone."--"Have you guys Skyped or Facetimed? Have you actually seen that it's really him?" I let out a frustrated sigh, "No.. But, Ashley, look; I get why you're worried and all, but I will be fine. He's exactly who he says he is. What to see a picture for proof?" I pulled out my phone and went to the text messages, finding a picture of the man and showing her. "Oh my.... good lord, he's perfect. His smile, his beard, his hair... He's"--"My date tonight..." Ashley looked over to me and gave me a sly smile, "Y'know, Brittany... judging by the guys you look at walking down the street and stuff, he'll "suit you" just fine." I laughed slightly at the way she said suit you... in her words, that just means he's the exact man I want in my bed.

I mean, I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about that already... and I'd be lying if I said we haven't talked about it, too; but I want things to go slow, and hopefully he does. We've been talking for a while and it seems like that's what he wants that... He wants a girl that will actually care about him and love him; not some girl that mooched off him and abused him like his last.

As I made my way into the shower I started to think about the man I will be meeting for the first time, 'Mark Edward Fischbach... it's got a nice ring to it. And form the pictures he's sent me he's absolutely gorgeous. His hair that looks messy and sexy at the same time, his strong jaw line, his building arms-- I bet he looks amazing with nothing on... Okay, that enough get your mind out of the gutter.' I quietly laughed to myself, thinking about what the night would bring.


After I left the bathroom I walked to my room, looking at the outfit I picked out. A semi-modest black dress that had red around the bottom of the sleeves and red platform heels- not too high, but tall enough that, with the cut of my dress, it made my legs look amazing. I pulled my hair out of the towel that was previously wrapped around my head and finished drying it- straightening it afterwards. Quickly getting dressed and putting on my make-up.

I walked out into the living room to ask Ashley how I looked, "Wow, Brittany. You look beautiful, really. Mark's going to be a lucky guy." She smiled at me and wished me good luck. I wrapped my arms around her in a loving hug, wordlessly thanking her for the support. "I think your phone is ringing, Britt." I looked over to the counter and noticed Mark's name on the screen. I stopped for a minute to look at the adorable picture I had set for his contact before answering. "Hello?... Oh, okay. I'll be right out!" I looked over to my friend again, starting to say something before she had a witty remark, "Don't get too frisky now."--"Oh shut up!" We shared a laugh before I walked out the door, taking the elevator down to the ground floor.

I walked outside, admiring the beautiful sunset as I waited for Mark. 'I hope tonight goes well... we've talked about meeting for a long time but he says that he's always busy with "work" and things..." I walked over to the bench but was stopped before I sat down, "You're even more beautiful in person, Brittany." I was startled, but began to smile when I turned to see Mark, "You scared the hell out of me, good Lord." He awkwardly chuckled before responding, "I guess I should have thought that one through.... But you do look lovely." I blushed and put some of my hair behind my ear, smiling up to him and saying "Thank you. You look really nice, too."--"Well," he extended his hand out towards mine, "Shouldn't we get going, M'lady?" I put my hand in his as we walked to his car.

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