You're The Love of My Life ~PART 2~

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After I was done washing up, I walked back into the room. Mark was already dressed and seemed ready to go. I walked up to the bed and held to shirts up, "Mark, which one should I wear." He didn't answer, but he put something in his pocket.. probably his phone. "Mark? Is everything okay." "Wha- Oh, yeah. I was just texting Sean (<-JackSepticEye) to see if he was up yet. What were you saying?" I held up the shirts again, "Which one should I wear?" Mark looked them over for a second, "The left one. The other one looks waaayyy too sexy on you, and I don't want other guys trying to steal you from me." Mark winked as I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. "No one could ever steal me from you. I love you, and I wouldn't trade what he have or YOU for anything in the world." I smiled and kissed him, then headed back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.


(y/n) walked over to me and said, "No one could ever steal me from you. I love you, and I wouldn't trade what he have or YOU for anything in the world." I pondered on that thought for another moment, then decided I would ask her at the live Panel later today. I also chose that time so that it would be on video and we could watch it when we're old and grey, showing our grandchildren one of the best moments in my- our lives.

~Time skip to the convention~


'Everything is going so great!' I thought to myself, taking in my surroundings. We get to see Bob and Wade and Aaron (<-Yamimash) again and we FINALLY got to meet Sean in person. A fan walked up to Mark and asked for a photo with him and the rest of us in a group. I decided to be super nice and say, "You guys go stand over there and I'll take the picture." The fan looked at me and said, "My girlfriend will take the picture. I want you in it to!" I smiled like a doofus at that, "But I'm not even a YouTuber." The fan chuckled, "But I still love when your in Mark's video and playing with other people with him! You're HILARIOUS!" Mark and the rest of the guys, including the fan, were all looking at me... 'Wow... I don't even have my own channel and people love me?' I smiled at my thoughts and walked over to be in the picture. The fan's girlfriend took the group pictures of us then he thanked and hugged everyone- including me.

The fan walked away and we started to walk forward, but paused when Sean asked, "What was that about." I didn't realize he was talking to me until I looked up from the convention center map. "Me?" I asked, gesturing to myself. He nodded. "Uhm, I don't know. It was just kind of shocking to think that someone considers themselves a 'fan' of mine. I don't even have my own channel -so I don't have my own videos- and I'm only occasionally in a video WITH Mark or with him and YOU guys." Mark smiled at me and started to say something, but shut his mouth quickly when Bob started in. "(y/n) you should seriously start your own channel. People would love you! You're so hilarious." They all either smiled or shook their heads in agreement. "Well, I mean... I can't be funny on the spot or plan things out to be funny. I'm just kind of quick and witty. And I don't know if people would LOVE me. I mean, I've thought about it and even talked about it with Mark before. But I just don't think a lot of people would watch me." Aaron chimed in, "You're so wrong! People would love you... I mean, we all love you! Heeeyyy, lets have a group hug!"

'Oh no...'

Mark, Bob, Wade, Sean and Aaron all circled around me pulling me into a tight hug and smothering me with their arms. "Guys, I can't... breathe." They all laughed and let me go. I looked at all of them, still standing in a circle around me... "Why do you guys have to be so tall!? I mean, Wade and Bob you guys are both a foot plus taller than me. And Mark, Sean and Aaron are both at least 7 inches taller than me. Like, what the fuck... Why do I have to be so short." Wade laughed and smiled at me, "You're short because you were made to be with Mark... who is ALSO short." Mark laughed sarcastically and said, "Hey! I'm average... okay." Wade shot back, "It's okay Mark, as long as you know how to use it." Our group was silent for a second until I said, "Oh don't worry, he does."

~Time skip to the last ten minutes of the Panel~


"Okay, so here's what were going to do. Since there are a lot of you in here and I can see most of you have your hand up, we're going to do speed questions. Wade, you take that row and I'll take this one... GO!" I answered a few people's questions and came across a man wearing a cosplay costume and asked, "What's your question, sir!?" He bent down on one knee and asked the woman sitting next to him if he would marry her.

'Now's my chance!'

I came up with a brilliant plan within a few seconds, "Oh my- wow... Does anybody else have a proposal to make?" I waited a few seconds, "No? Okay, good. Becauseeeeeeee," I dragged out as I ran over to (y/n), "I do." I stopped for a second when (y/n) was shocked to see me in front of her, "Oh, hi!" I smiled down at her, "Hello my love!" She was sitting next to Sean and Aaron. "Jack, can you hold this for me?" I said, hanging him the mic I was using, "But follow me with it." I pulled the small white box out of my pocket and pulled my jeans up a little before getting down on one knee in front of her. (y/n) covered her mouth with her hands, the crowd was screaming- most of them probably extremely happy.. but some fangirls, not so much. "HEYYYYY, can I please have everyone calm down. Collect yourselves.. shhhh, shhh.. good. Now, where was I?" I stopped for a second, looking deep into (y/n)'s beautiful (e/c) eyes, "(your full name), YOU are the love of my life, and nothing would make me happier than if I got to spend the rest of my life with you. So... will you marry me?" Tears started to form in her eyes, she chocked back the tears, nodded her head and said yes. I took a hold of her hand and slid the ring on her finger, 'perfect fit.' She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck, she pulled away a few seconds later. I cupped her cheek with my hand and wiped away a stray tear and kissed her. There was a big 'ooooOOOOO' from the crowd.

However, I didn't care. I could stay here in this moment forever, holding the love of my life in my arms and my lips pressed against hers.

Sean handed the microphone back to me, while looking down at (y/n) beautiful face I said, "Sorry ladies, I'm off the market FOREVER!" And threw my fist into the air in a "I FUCKING DID IT!" kind of way. (y/n) sat back down and let me finish the rest of the panel. "Okay, there is time for ONE... ONE more question." Wade shouted into the mic, "I HAVE ONE!" "Wade, there's people who- aw, what the hell. ASK AWAY!"


*Wade runs over to you*

Wade: "So, (y/n), what's it feel like to be engaged?"

Self: "Uhm... I..... Jesus, well.... right now I'm literally speechless." *My eyes were locked in on my ring."

Wade: "I mean, you're a pretty lucky girl to be spending the rest of your life with" *he stopped for a moment, looking at Mark* "That..." (of course he did this sarcastically.)


I thought about Wade's question for a minute, thinking back to the first time Mark told me he loved me- confessing his love to me in front of his friends and family, not caring who sees or what people say. Only about if I felt the same way, I did... I still do. I took a deep breath and began,"It's an incredibly feeling. Knowing that I actually found someone that I love effortlessly, and I get the same thing back." I looked over at Mark -who had the biggest smile on his face, matching mine- "Knowing that I'll be with the man I love, the only man I've ever been truly and honestly in love with, for the rest of my life is something that words can't even begin to describe. But the feeling... that feeling is something that I will hold onto until the day I die. And a hundred lifetimes after that."


I think I did pretty good with that, yeah?

I've never been proposed to..but I'm guessing that's what it's like and feels like.

Well, I hoped you guys liked it!

Feel free to give me criticism.... but be gentle ;-;

ALSO, don't forget I do personalized stories and I WILL continue this book.

Suggestions are ALWAYS open.

I love all you beautiful people! <3


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