You're The Love of My Life ~PART 1~ (FLUFF)

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Also, I really like that I'm splitting the stories into 2 to 3 (maybe 4 in the future?) parts.... So this one will probably be around the same length as the others.



Today was mine and Mark's first day at PAX East, well.. I guess technically second. We got in at about midnight last night. A was waken up by the small strand of sunlight creeping through our hotel room's window. I looked over at the alarm clock, "6:39 AM." 'Why does this ALWAYS happen!? Why am I forsaken with the curse of being woken up just a few minutes before the alarm goes off..' I was internally yelling at myself. I carefully turned to face Mark, making sure I didn't wake him by moving his arm. He was still sleeping, VERY soundly might I add. His hair was all over the place, but he somehow managed to still be incredibly handsome. He seemed so peaceful, like his dream world was pure bliss to him. I moved a couple stands of hair away from Mark's forehead and kissed him. I started to move and get out of bed, but was pulled back down by a still-half-asleep Mark. He plopped back down on the bed and sat next to him, "Good morning, handsome." "And good morning to the most beautiful woman in the world." Mark said, his voice low and raspy from sleeping. "Oh please," I ran my fingers through my (h/c) hair, "I look like a dragon lady." Mark groaned and rolled over on his other side, trying his best to keep the sun out of his vision. I leaned over and placed my cheek on his shoulder, "Mark.... Babe, c'mon, we need to start getting ready."


Mark: "Five more minutes."

Self: "Mark, every time you say that it turns into another hour..."

Mark: *groans* "Nu huh..."

Self: "Mark Edward Fischbach, get your lazy but out of bed."

Mark: "Yes, mother."

Self: *gasping sarcastically and placing a hand over your mouth* "How dare you!"


"Seriously though, Mark. We need to start getting ready." I walked to the other side of the bed and pulled on his arm, trying to get him out of bed... not succeeding in doing so. Mark quickly pulled his arm out of my grip and I fell backwards on the the hotel room floor. I didn't hurt that much, but it sure was funny. I barely made out, "Mark, you asshole." in between gasping for air from how hard I was laughing. Mark didn't really laugh -he's seen me do stupid things like this I can't tell you how man times before- but he smiled and let how a low chuckle. "Babe, your laugh is probably the best thing in the world... Next to you, of course." Mark smiled at me. I got up and handed him is glasses. "Thank you." "You're welcome, love." I said, leaning down to kiss Mark before venturing into the bathroom to take a shower.


(y/n) walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I waited a few minutes until I knew she was in there and wasn't going to come back into the room. I took a deep breath and walked to my suit case, unzipping the secret pocket. I grabbed the small white box from inside and opened it to reveal the beautiful, princess cut engagement ring (picture above^). 'I know she'll say yes, we've talked about it so many times before... I want to ask her here, in Boston, but I just need to find the right place and time,' I had already taken a shower last night when we got in our room, so I didn't have to worry about that. I put the small box back into my suitcase and hid it under my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and heard (y/n) singing in the shower.

"You have a beautiful voice, I don't get why you won't sing in front of people." I shouted, trying to talk over the running water. "Because. And don't ask 'because why'. Just.. because." I heard a quite giggle come from the shower door she was behind. When I finished my normal bathroom routine I walked back into the room and got dressed. I grabbed the white box that was previously hidden and opened it to look at the ring again, I started to get lost in my thoughts again when I heard the shower door open. (y/n) started to say something, but I didn't catch what it was. I quickly shut the box and shoved it into my draw-string bag...

'That was a close one.'


Hey guys, I know this is short... But that's how I wanted this part to end.

Also, there might be an update on this later depending on what time I get back home.

If it's not tonight then it WILL be tomorrow. And I will be home ALL DAMN DAY tomorrow for Mark's stream... so expect A LOT to be done then.

Thanks for supporting me and you're all lovely.

-Bailey <3


yay .-.

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