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"A-are you okay?" A navy blue haired boy asked in worry.

The purple haired kid had just rushed up to the boy and tripped over a sand bucket, and to top things off with his landing, his cheek met with a rock. Ouch. Even the navy blue haired boy couldn't watch and looked away for a couple seconds.

"Y-yeah... ow!" the purple haired boy cried out in pain by the bump on his cheek as he touched it. "I-it's hurts!" He let out a few tear drops and the navy blue haired boy immediately got more worried as he glanced around his surroundings to find their teacher.

"T-teacher!" He cried out as he tried to comfort the purple gremlin. "O-Ouma-chan got hurt!"

The teacher heard the navy blue haired boy's cries and turned to face the source. Once they turned around and saw the Kokichi Ouma as a kid injured, they rushed over in worry. "Ouma! Are you okay? How bad is your injury?"

Kokichi started up at the teacher in confusion through his tears. The teacher let their question slide and picked the purple gremlin up. "Let's go to the nurse's office so they can treat your bruis- bump, okay?" Kokichi nodded and the two left, leaving the navy blue haired boy who watches them leave.

"Ouma-chan... will he be okay?" He wondered out loud to himself as he started to pick up his book. He stared at the book he was just reading. It seems a bit... out of his age to read a book that has no pictures -not a single one- but he reads it, just to be respectful.

Especially when it was a gift from his father.

His mother's gift was basically a Kyoko Kirigiri keychain who he admired when he first saw her in person. She bought him a keychain for his 7th birthday, and his father was the book.

Weird choice, a book with no pictures for a 7 year old.

Unfortunately, it was only 3 years later before his loving parents moved away to America, leaving their son to his uncle, since they thought it would be a temporarily leave. The uncle was nice, really, but after his wife left him 2 years later, he got no time to spend and care with his nephew and focused more on his detective work.

Shuichi was 12 that time. He's 15 now. Kokichi was the same, only a bit... hm. You decide if he's younger or older.

The detective office keeps getting cases almost each week.

The navy blue haired boy, Shuichi Saihara, during all this time, rereads the book that was from his father. Sometimes play around with his keychain while doing so.

He was uhm... good friends with the purple haired male, Kokichi Ouma. They met since 1st grade after that... fall. Kokichi was glad, he found a friend to hang out with.

Until the uncle of Shuichi had somehow accepted a case where he and his nephew had to travel to America to complete a certain case. It was the same case Shuichi's parents had been working on for ages.

Only the obvious had happened to them. Shuichi was curious one day during his visit in the detective agency in America and sees his uncle talking to a random lady.

"What do you mean, my brother and his wife is presumed dead?!" He spoke, and his voice cracked. The lady sighed. "They are dead, boss. That's what I mean. They were slaughtered by an unknown murderer in the night, based on the witnesses who were lucky to stay alive."

The uncle released fat tears of despair. His brother and the wife are dead. And it was Shuichi's parents, too! It could traumatize him for all his life knowing his lovable parents are deceased.

Little does he know, Shuichi already got into despair mode too after the news was heard.

- - - - - - - - - -

Kokichi waited for his friend to contact him after his departure to America. Almost every week, he checked his contacts. Shuichi promised to at least text him once he was in America.

Oh, how he hated the lies coming from Shuichi.

No responses were received, and Kokichi's texts were the only one he himself, can read whenever he scrolled up or down in his contacts. He hated the loneliness. Shuichi was his only friend he get along pretty well, despite the lies he had just learned when he was a 9 year old.

Now he got no one to talk to.

He hated it.

Heck, if Shuichi ever comes back, he's going to get a lot of scolding all from Kokichi himself.

He only got Himiko to talk to since she was his other friend, but she sometimes starts and end with short conversations. Kokichi didn't think much, she was a lazy person, in a somehow good way. But he wished they talked more.

His parents got slaughtered by a murderer. Who knows why?

Speaking of murderer, he also had a friend named Maki. Maki Harakuwa. She specialize in that. And if you're wondering, no, she did not kill any kid's parents at all. Especially if it were her friend's parents. It was her job to eliminate the designated people by her boss. The boss picked only the bad guys.

The number one rule from the boss: Never eliminate enemies who never strikes murderously.

If you think about it, she only kill if the enemies specialize in murder. Which, doesn't happen that often. She sends them to the police and that's all she does. If she was busy, the boss would send another skilled assassin to do the job for her.

Himiko Yumeno, wasn't really all that interesting, to be frank. She does basic magic tricks she knows, and usually it helps Kokichi's negative mood go up. He likes the cards trick, and she usually let him play with the cards.

The three share one thing: They are all a part of the pride people.

Maki was a straight-up bi, but kinda prefer males over females.

Himiko is a minor lesbian, and Kokichi is a gay dude, indeed. Though he wants to be known as a homosexual/pans guy. How the heck do they know their sexualities? Well. Do you?


Shuichi turned 16 in the middle of a school year and his uncle -who was now feeling sick- FINALLY got him to move back to Japan. Alone.

We don't ask how, we just ignore that. Okay?

Shuichi was kinda feeling better after he got over his parents' deaths. He still can't forget it. If it was a murderer that truly killed his parents, he would have find out who they were and arrest them. As you all might've already expected by now, he of course strives to become a detective.

He also... (coughs) forgot to text Kokichi back ever since.

He was on the plane and finally noticed Kokichi's contact. He immediately frowned as he remembered to text Kokichi back once he was there. He felt guilty for not remembering for literally a long time, and he doesn't know how Kokichi would feel if he finally texted him.

Shuichi put his phone in his bag as he looked out the window.

Although it sound like he was there to only move back to Japan. He was actually there to start finishing a case.

A case where his family can't finish. And now it was on his hands.

He's hunting for the murderer.




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