《 Chapter 15 》

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<<CHAPTER 15>>

Kokichi stared at the glasses bluenette in surprise. "You two are siblings and haven't told me anything about it? It isn't a big deal is it?"

"It isn'! But we just wan to keep it a secret from the public. One time I told this to a girl and they asked if I was an incest or something like that, which I am sure I didn't say anything like that and she just thought of that." Silence.

"Ever wonder that he's my bro?"

"No... not in this world."

"What?" Tsumugi asked again, though it really wasn't a question.

"Nishishi! Nothing~!" Kokichi crossed his arms and moved them behind his head. Himiko was looking out the window on her side. Shuichi slept immediately a minute after they pulled out of the school street, and his head was against the window. Maki walked home, that's what she said, but knowing her job as a secret assassin, there is obviously more to what she said.

Her friends knew, thinking the two bluenettes don't, while the two siblings believed Maki's friends didn't.

Oh how awkward things will get when they realized.

"No wonder you guys were always popping up ever since!" Kokichi looked out the window on his side. "You guys are siblings, but you don't look alike..."

"We've considered ourselves to be siblings," Tsumugi said. "...when we aren't actually biological siblings! Isn't that plain interesting?"

"Nyeh?" Himiko perked up. Tsumugi looked at Himiko from the car mirror. "We just happened to be friends before that one incident occurred. Since that, we've started living together with Shuichi's uncle, who happened to still be in America."

"So it's just you two? Nishishi, I must say, I'm surprised."

"I'm not surprised about you either, Ouma-kun," the tall female said, obviously detecting the lie. "You've lost your loved ones too, didn't you?"

"... one of them was a jerk, but the other... didn't deserve to die... they didn't. No. They shouldn't have died yet they did..." Kokichi started breathing in and out rapidly, and Himiko quickly scooted over to her friend.

"Are you okay, Oum-" Tsumugi was about to say when Himiko unexpectedly cried out. "Stop the car! Please!"

Tsumugi didn't know what was going on, but she ended up parking on the side of the road before turning around. "Oh dear, I see he having a panic attack?!"

"A... what attack..." Shuichi groaned as he began to stir.

"They're dead... he's dead... he's dead... he's dead... because of that stupid murderer... goddamnit why me... it's my fault!" Kokichi continued to have his panic attack while Himiko tried to calm him down. Shuichi soon got his brain gears working and realized what the situation is. "O-ouma-kun!"

- - - - - - - -

"I... am so deeply sorry, Ouma-kun, I didn't know I triggered your... trauma..."


"Nyeh, Saihara, you can release him now."


"Nyeh?! Your face says otherwi-"


"...nyeh, okay."

"I'm trying so hard not to squeal..." Tsumugi's body slightly shook as she tried to prevent herself from squealing at the sight of the short male being embraced by the taller.

Apparently Himiko tried to calm Kokichi down, and Shuichi finally grasped onto the situation, while Tsumugi's mind tried to process what happened. Sure, she knew he is having a panic attack, but she tried to figure out what triggered it.

Once the car was temporarily parked on the side of the road, Shuichi immediately unlocked doors and rushed out of his side. Caring friend he is, huh.

"...it's alright Shumai! I'm fine now!"

"...you sure?"

"Nishishi! Yup! And besides, we don't want to stay out here forever, right?"

"..." Shuichi has doubts on what he said, but he decided to release himself out of the embrace and went back to the front passenger seat. "okay. If you need something, tell us, alright?"


"Nyeh, I really want to ruin this moment, so how about dropping me off at my house first?"

"It seems like you want to leave the situation rather than change it."

"...well, the point in riding inside your car is to drop us off at our houses, is it not?"

"True..." Tsumugi looked back at the road. "Again, I am sorry, Ouma-kun..."

"Nishishi! It's a-okay!" Kokichi threw thumbs-up in the air, and then the entire car ride was silent again.




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