《 Chapter 12 》

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<<CHAPTER 12>>

Shuichi read the piece of paper that was given to him.

Leader wants to meet at the usual place 11 PM sharp. -Despairs

'Who were they sending this to?' Shuichi thought as he tucked in the note into his pocket. 'Tsumugi should know about this if she was in the Despairs's hideout.'

He went home and as usual, started working on the case. 'The only thing that connects with despair is the famous Junko Enoshima. Only Mukuro Ikusaba knows what the leader looks like since... according to Tsumugi, she was the older sister of Enoshima-san.'

"Of course Junko is the leader, but what business does she have to attend?" Shuichi asked out loud in thought before someone behind him broke it.

"She wants to have a little chat with another leader of an organization, that's all."

Shuichi screamed in shock, startling the person from behind. "Tsu-Tsumugi! You scared me! Again." The named female giggled before her face went serious. "The most important thing now is what I heard today when I was at their hideout. They planned on getting rid of you to end the Saiharas. That's what they do; end people who are well-known."

"Why me?"

"I had to tell Junko you were one of the family members of the Saiharas that is going to arrest the Despairs..."

"Couldn't you have said that the police is planning to do that?"

"She already know that, but she sees you more valuable than the plain police," Tsumugi reasoned as she sipped on a juice box which had anime characters as the design. "I just need them to fall into our trap a bit further."

"Seriously? Against her and the group who had the police around the world hot on their tail for years?!" Shuichi sputtered out as the piece of paper fell out of his grasp. "We've planned this before so there's no need to worry. We knew things would get this deep."

"... s-so... anything else?"

"Considering how I see people's somewhat dead bodies in their basement, nope! Nothing else to report on!" A hint of sarcasm in her tone, and Shuichi, who was writing as fast as he can on his notepad, dropped his pencil.

"E-excuse me...?"

"What? Are you implying on what I said? About the dead bodies?"

'Are they the dead bodies that the police found missing?' Shuichi thought, then shuddered at the image of his dead parents, in their skeleton form. He shook the thought away as Tsumugi continued.

"I found the room by accident when I was moving the Monokuma bears to the storage room. I found several bodies, which I'm surprised most of them still have skin, despite that their rib cage can be visible. I... saw your parents too, but you know... dead."

Shuichi shook his head more. Every word she said, images in his mind go along with it.

"I saw the sisters of the Amami family... you know... Rantaro's sisters. Based on how they looked, they might've been... OOFED not too long ago."

"How many of them are there?"

Tsumugi had a thinking look before her eyes widen, her mouth shaping into an 'O'. "Ah- there were... ten or eleven of them. Amami said he had twelve sisters, so perhaps... one of them is missing."

"Do you think they've found her yet?"

"They've cancelled the search for some reason." A loud slurping noise can be heard. "... maybe because they dealt with enough sisters of one family," Tsumugi added as Shuichi nervously laughed before turning his attention to his notepad.

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