【Chapter 06】

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After school, as usual, the three males headed to Shuichi's house to work on the project again. Shuichi kept glancing at Kokichi each minute or two before finally coming to the conclusion he won't do anything like last time.

He meant the whole cactus incident, if it wasn't THAT obvious.

As they worked on the project at Shuichi's house, Tsumugi arrived at his door with her bag. Inside would be her school stuff, but hidden among them were the case files. She rang on the house's doorbell and a couple seconds later, Rantaro opened the door.

"Ah! Who are you?!" She gasped out in shock before realizing. "Oh wait- you're the Avocado man."

"One of my classmate's friend," Rantaro replied, ignoring the nickname as he looked at her up and down. "Hm. You can come in. My friends are upstairs doing the project."

"Oh, so you're the one who was with Shuichi last week at Friday," Tsumugi said in wonder as she entered the house. "And the other person is... Kokichi Ouma?"

"Yes. What are you doing here?"

"I need to put my stuff in my house-" Tsumugi started before Shuichi arrived downstairs, perfectly cutting off her words. "Tsumugi, now's not the time to-!"

"Wow! The girl who dropped you off!" Kokichi exclaimed as his face shined up. "Hm. Plain."

"Anyways Shuichi! I hope you don't mind me writing the notes for you!"

"W-we already came to that conclusion a few hours ago, Tsumugi!" Shuichi said, trying to push his sister upstairs with his back. The two males stared in confusion as they watched the other two siblings awkwardly go. "This case is confidential, sis! You can't just straight up expose it casually!"

"Ah, my bad, Shuichi!" Tsumugi apologized as they entered another room of the house. (A/N: The room is basically Shuichi's lab in the killing game) "Anyways, here are the files of the case. And to prove I'm not here for nothing, I'll copy the notes for you!"

"You should go tell Amami-kun about it then..."

"Yes, yes..." Tsumugi said as they left the room, closing the door as they go. "Amami-kun, do you mind giving me your notes?"

"Hm? What for?"

"To help Shu-SAIhara, duh."

"Sure, here," Rantaro said, giving the notes to Tsumugi. She happily took it and brought out Shuichi's notebook out of nowhere.

"U-uhm-! W-Where'd you get my notebook?!"

"I stole it," Tsumugi answered before she started copying down the notes. The three males stared at her before going upstairs to go back to working on the project.

"She doesn't seem like a neighborhood friend to me," Rantaro mumbled.


The two males left the house as usual, and Shuichi plopped onto his bed, completely dazed. Tsumugi opened the door to his room and tossed his closed notebook onto his desk. "I'm heading towards the police station, want to come?"

"Is it needed?"

"Hum. Yes."

Shuichi got up from his bed. "I guess I'll get going then."

They got changed into their clothes and soon arrived at the detective agency. Shuichi's uncle as said earlier had become ill and is still in America, so his co-assistant took his place.

"We'll get started on the meeting."


"Let me die already," Tsumugi exasperated out as she flopped onto the bed of hers. Shuichi nervously laughed as he took off his coat and hung it up on their coatrack. "It did take a long time..."

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