《 Chapter 16 》

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<<CHAPTER 16>>

Himiko was finally dropped off in front of her house in the driveway, and she waved goodbye to her friend before she was out of view. Shuichi was wide awake for a short time, and Tsumugi got her eyes on the road while she took a few chances to sneak a look at the short male.

Funny how Kokichi was staring at her through the rear view mirror when she looked at him.

They were on the way to their house. And when I say 'their,' I meant the two blue haired siblings's home. They decided to let Ouma stay the night -although it was Tsumugi who planned it out mostly, and Shuichi knows why but dares not to say-. Kokichi might've known sooner, but he is currently distraught so he paid no attention to what was about to unfold.

Soon they arrived at their house and after locking up the vehicle, Shuichi opened the door to the house and got in, Tsumugi and Kokichi following.

"Heh, I haven't been in your house in a long time, Shumai!"

"I... it isn't exactly my house but okay..." Shuichi responded as they went to the 2nd floor of the household. Kokichi opened the door to the siblings's room and skidaddled inside.

"Hey, hey! Plain Jane here banned me until just a few days ago, you know that, right!?"

"Was I supposed to know?"

"If you want to know."

"... I find that unnecessary to ask about," Shuichi sighed as he hung his bookbag to the chair. Tsumugi placed hers on the desk while Kokichi plopped onto on of the beds.

"You're on my bed," Tsumugi pointed out, but Kokichi doesn't move. "So... uhm...are you sleeping?"

Kokichi doesn't respond either. She rolled her eyes. "If you are sleeping, raise your hand!"

And suddenly but slowly, Kokichi raised his arm up, indicating that he is sleeping but is awake but is pretending that he is sleeping when he's actually awake but is dazed. Shuichi chuckled. "Where'd you get that idea from?"

"Dad told me it before," Tsumugi said with a wink. "It's funny, so I decided now's a good time to say it. Kokichi's a wonderful test subject!"

"I think he's just following your tactics," Shuichi replied as he opened the door. "I'll get something for me to eat."

"Following you, Mr. Detective!" Tsumugi chanted as they left their room, leaving everything unattended. Kokichi looked up from his spot.

'Shumai's bed's better than this one,' Kokichi thought as he moved to the other bed that was across from it to the side.

His phone dinged.

Magicianaphobia: Hey Ouma-kun nyeh

Magicianaphobia: really, you changed my name again nyeh

PantaLord: why not?

Sushi: That name does not exist, Ouma.

PantaLord: well now it does

Sushi: Why am I stuck with you out of all people?

PantaLord: Blame god

Magicianaphobia changed their name to Mage

Mage: nyeh better

PantaLord: stop saying nyeh in texts, Yumeno

Mage: nyeh

PantaLord: I swear to fricking god of Panta if you don't stop this

Sushi: Aren't you a god of Panta?

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