〔 Chapter 29 〕

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<<CHAPTER 29>>

So far they've searched only half of the base, which is currently empty. Turns out it was just about the size of a two story house but built underground. They founded a map on the wall and they took a picture of it using Shuichi's phone and with Kaede's flashlight, the picture of the map can be seen perfectly.

What's the point if you taken a picture with 0% of light? Is anyone that dumb?

Nah. No way. This is common sense; you need light for anything.

"Hey, is it just me," Kaede said, covering her nose as she made a gagging noise. "...or do I smell something horrendously gross? Like rotten corpses?"

"Ah. So this is the place." Kyoko mumbled quietly, enough for the two to hear.

"What is it then?" Shuichi asked before he quickly blocked his nose and mouth. And it hit him. And Kaede appears to know too, and only one flashlight flick ahead and what they saw was truly the most horrible and gruesome sight they have ever seen in their life.

Dead bodies.

Kaede gasped in shock and tumbled back, her flashlight falling, trying not to scream. Kyoko's eyes slightly widen in surprise, and Shuichi choked back his own scream while covering his mouth and nose.

"D-d-dead... b-bodies..." Kaede managed to say, trying not to cry. "T-the Despairs are just... horrible. S-straight up... brutal." Shuichi tried to comfort his friend while Kyoko walked up to the nearest corpse and examined it.

'For her to examine a truly gruesome sight, she's got skill,' Kaede thought as she tried calming down. 'For now, I need to be calm. We should've expected this anyways! After all, the Despairs are literally killers!'

"Hm. This body appears to be years old," Kyoko muttered before switching to another corpse to examine it too. "This one is also years old."

"How can you tell...?" Kaede asked, surprised by Kyoko's words

Kyoko lifted up the flashlight Kaede had dropped. "I just see and know by how they decay, perhaps."

"That's... insanely impressive," Shuichi said before he slowly stood up. "W-we should inspect them."

"You have courage!" Kaede sighed. "Guess I should do the same. But since we don't have any masks... we just have to use our hands?"


They investigated the room. Shuichi founded more coffins in the back of the room while Kaede inspected the other bodies with Kyoko. Some of them were in coffins, and both of the females had to lift open the lid of the coffin to see the contents.

They opened one coffin and Kaede looked at the body. They have long green hair that is stained with blood. They have bloodstained earrings and long eyelashes. Their eyes are closed, mouth is open, and the wound was a fatal blow to the head. Their height is about Kiibo's height, if Kaede was correct. So she might be around their age but younger.

"Ah, this is new," Kyoko said, peering over the body. "This body appears to be still fresh, but not too fresh to be a recent dead body."


"I meant that the body is almost a year old," Kyoko said, examining the girl. "And these piercings. And long eyelashes. And green hair...."

"D-did you guys find anything there?" Shuichi asked, appearing at Kaede's left.

"Yeah. A dead body, that is. And she's only dead for... uh?"

"11 months," Kyoko answered for her. Kaede nodded before realizing. "WAIT- she's only a month away from a year!"

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