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Obi Wan-"You were the chosen one!"

Anakin-"I hate you!"

Casey-"What have you done?"

Padme-"Anakin please!"

End of nightmare

Casey wakes up and R2 is looking at her and makes a noise

Casey-"I'm okay R2 just the same dream". (gets up and heads out to balcony)

Nash-(comes outside) "Are you alright?"

Casey-"You don't have to keep on asking that". (sighs)

Nash-"Same nightmare?"

Casey-"Yes and I don't know why, they have been gone for awhile, but now they are coming back".

Nash-"Maybe you should try to reach out".

Casey-"He doesn't want to be seen or found Nash".

Nash-"I understand master".

Casey-"How many times have I told you".

Nash-"I know it's just a habit, I'm going to head back to bed".

Casey-"That you should, I am also".

They both head back inside, Casey heads back to bed

R2-(makes noise)

Casey-"I know R2 I miss him as well, someday we will meet again I know it".

After that Casey goes to bed, Nash is in his room with his brother

Storm-"We have to find him".

Nash-"You heard master, he does not want to be contacted, not after what happend between him and her brother".

Storm-"What if she didn't know we were trying?"

Nash-"Storm, she's a Skywalker she can do anything".

R2 comes in and talks to them

Storm-"Thanks buddy". (pats R2)

Nash-"Let's head back to bed".

They then both go back to bed, R2 returns to Caseys room, then shuts himself off again for the rest of the night

Reva-"Lord Vader are you sure?"

Vader-"Yes I am sure I need to see her, to make sure she's okay".

Finding Peace In The Force (A Star Wars Story)Where stories live. Discover now