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Anakin-"It's about time" (hugs Casey)

Casey-"Hey I lived a long life, and it ended well".

Obi Wan-"It's nice to see you".

Casey-"You as well Master".

Graydon-"Casey". (hugs her)

Yoda-"Waiting for you has he been".

Padme-"Casey, oh my gosh".

Casey-"Padme". (hugs her tight)

Luke-"What are we chopped liver".

Leia-"Oh let her be". (laughs)

Casey-"How could I forget about you guys". (hugs them)

Qui Gon-"So this is the famous Casey Skywalker?"

Casey-"Nice to finally meet you". (shakes his hand)

Devian-"Hey mom we uh need some help".

Casey-"Wanna help me?"

Anakin-"My pleasure".

Yoda-"All go shall we".

They all go to see what's the matter, when they appear they see Rey

Obi Wan-"You found them".

Rey-"Force sensative children, Cal kept them safe now it's my turn".

End of story!!!!!!

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