Bountys For Everyone

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Obi Wan-"Yes R2 I know I have a bounty".

Tala-"Not just you now, everyone does".

Nash-"Let's not run into Fett".

Obi Wan-"As in Boba Fett, taking after his father I see".

Casey-"We're about to land".

After they land the ship, they take the bikes out and head to the house

Jarjar-"Master Obi Wan!"

Obi Wan-"Jarjar how are you?"

Jarjar-"Good it's very nice to see you".

Casey-"How has everything been?"

Jarjar-"Good, I just came up to check on the house like usual".

Levi-(walks out) "Even though he didn't have to".

Graydon-"Brother". (hugs him)

Eva-"Nice to see you both".

Casey-"You as well, sister" (hugs her)

Obi Wan-"This is your brother Graydon?"

Levi-"Nice to meet you Master Obi Wan". (shakes his hand)

Eva-"I'm his wife Eva".

They all head inside and get settled in

Caspian-"Aunt Casey and Uncle Graydon!" (hugs them)

Graydon-"My have you grown".

Devian-"And annoying also". (walks in)

Casey-"Hey now don't speak to your cousin like that". (kisses his head)

Devian-"Hi mom and dad".

Obi Wan-"You have a child?"

Tala-"I knew we forgot something".

Casey-"Devian this is my Master Obi Wan".

Devian-"Nice to meet you". (shakes his hand)

R2 and R4 (excitment noises)

Caspian-"Hi R2 and R4!" (pats them)

Graydon-"Why don't you two go and play with them".

The kids go and play with the droids while the others talk

Levi-"All of you have bountys on you".

Graydon-"That we know of, they must've came after we left the other day".

Eva-"Also Casey there is something we must show you". (shows hologram)

Casey-"He's force sensative". (sighs)

Nash-"Well this is great".

Tala-"No it's not, Vader doesn't know about his children neither his nephew, but if he finds out".

Obi Wan-"Will you two be able to stay here to hide them?"

Levi-"Of course, we are Jedi afterall". (shows lighsaber)

They talk some more, Obi Wan and Casey then talk

Casey-"I know what you're going to say".

Obi Wan-"He looks a lot like him you know that?"

Casey-"That's why I'm afraid". (sighs)

Devian-"Mom R2 got stuck again in the pit".

Caspian-"I got him!"

R2-(makes noise)

Casey-"Only you R2". (laughs)

Once they were done talking they head inside, they all eat dinner then put the kids to bed, after that they all go to bed as well

Reva-"Ugh they aren't here".

Vader-"They must've known we were coming".

Reva-"You need to figure this out, I know you want to kill him, but not her".

Yoda-"Gone they are".

Vader-"Master Yoda?"

Yoda-"Find them you will not". (disconnects)

After that they go back on the ship

Leia-"I hope they find us Lola".

Lola-(makes noise)

Vader-"Are you okay little one?"

Leia-"Why would you care?"

Vader-"I know what I am, but you see that girl Casey who is trying to rescue you, she's my sister, I'm going to put the tracker back in your droid".

Leia-"You just wanna kill Obi Wan!"

After that Vader fixes Lola then lets Leia go to sleep, he then has a flashback

Anakin-"Little one what's wrong?"

Casey-"Something's wrong with R2". (pouts trying to fix him)

Anakin-"Here I'll help you".

R2-(wakes up and makes noise)

Casey-"Yay!" (hugs R2)

Anakin-"See good as new, I wouldn't know what to do without him either". (kisses her head)

End of flashback

Casey-(connects) "I see what you did, you will see us soon, but you won't know when"

Vader-(smiles under the mask) "See you soon little one".

Casey-"Don't even call me that anymore". (dissconnects)

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