Finally Awake

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Poe-"You can find him then".

Casey-"Find who?"

C3PO-"R2 woke up he has the other part of the map".

R2-(makes noise)

Casey-(pats his head) "Good to see you too old friend, I'm guessing BB-8 and him are going with then?"

Rey-"I suppose, we were wondering if you would want to join?"

Chewie-(makes noise)

Casey-"You need to find him yourself and yes Chewie go with her, I did the help I wanted it's up to you now Rey".

Devian-"If I must I'll go too, just to help out".

Casey-"Then Nash and Storm will go with as well".

They all go get their things together, once they are all done they head to the Falcon

Leia-"May the force be with you".


They then head to where Luke is

Casey-"She will know when I think she's ready".

Leia-"Same here". (sighs)

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