Face To Face

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Casey wakes up and sees that breakfast has been put beside, she turns the other way and sees Vader in the bacta tank still and he's awake

Casey-"Ani?" (touches tank)

Vader-"It's me Casey". (talks through mask)

Casey-"How in the world?"

Vader-"This helps me heal, well for the most part".

Casey-"Jesus, I'm gonna change and eat".

While Casey goes to change Vader gets out of the tank and gets his suit put on, Casey comes back to eat

Vader-"Is it okay?"

Casey-"Yeah, it's fine how do you eat?"

Vader-"They feed me through the mask while I'm in the tank". (sits by her)

Casey-"Where did you put my saber?"

Vader-"Over there". (points)

Casey-"I see you built your new one like your old one".

Vader-"Yes, speaking of which what did he do with mine?"

Casey-"He buried it along with his, but when he got asked to save the girl, he dug both of them up I'm not sure what he did with yours".

They talk some more then they head to the main part of the death star

Palpatine-"Ah Casey Skywalker at last".

Casey-"You should be glad I'm in cuffs".

Palpatine-"Anger I sense".

Casey-"You have no idea".

Vader-"Now there sister, he means no harm this time, any contact on where they are?"

Officer-"It seems they found the tracker an destroyed it".


Palpatine-"I knew you had something to do with it Skywalker!"

Obi Wan-(jumps down) "Hello there".

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