Until We Meet Again

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Casey-"He's using what he has left isn't he?"

Leia-"Yes". (sighs)

After awhile they waitied, Rey then cameback

Rey-"He's gone?"

Casey-"Come with me".

She follows Casey into her room, they meditate then everyone besides Anakin appears

Luke-"You did very well Rey".

Obi Wan-"We watched from afar".

Yoda-"Did well you did".

Rey-"He's still out there though".

Luke-"The fleet is working, and you will continue to use the force to defeat him".

Obi Wan-"Bring him back into the light Rey don't try to hurt him, trust me".

They disappear, after that they head back to the rest of the crew

Rey-"Casey where was your brother?"

Casey-"You'll get to meet him I promise, just not now".

After that they all ate dinner, Casey then went and looked at Lukes lightsaber

Casey-"Until we meet again". (kisses the lightsaber)

Anakin-"I think it's bad having the both of us together".

Luke-"Oh gosh not this again".

Obi Wan-"You will two shut it".

Casey-(laughs) "Just like old times".

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