Saving Leia Again

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Leia-"Oh great he saw us".

Han-"Come on you two".

Casey-"Go I'll catch up".

Luke-"No I'm staying with you".

Casey-"Luke do as I say and go now!"

They run back to the Falcon while Casey heads in the direction of Vader

Vader-"We meet again finally at last little sister".

Casey-"You got your wish he's dead now, also what's with you in kidnapping that girl?"

Vader-"I did it so I could get him to come, your little friend helped out a bunch".

Casey-"Anakin you haven't changed at all from the last time I saw you".

Vader-"You have grown up a bit more, so has your son I've seen".

Casey-"If you ever lay a hand on him I swear!"

Vader-"He's safe, he and a couple fighters destroyed some of my troopers the other day, he should be at the republic base".

Casey-"I don't get it, you care for me and your nephew, but you still want to destroy the republic".

Vader-"You will never understand, now leave with those kids they will need your help more than ever, Solo doesn't know everything about the republic".

After that Casey runs back to the Falcon, once she is on they take off

Chewbacca-(makes noise)

Casey-"I'm alright Chewie". (sits down)

Han-"What took you so long?"

Casey-"This". (puts Obi Wans saber in box)

Luke- "I can't believe he's gone".

Leia-"I never thought I would see him again, you as well Casey".

Casey-"Well when my nephew decides to buy my old droids, I guess I should help somewhat".

Han-"We're here".

They land at the republic base and get off, when they get off they go and change, Devian sees Casey

Devian-"Mom!" (hugs her)

Casey-"My sweet boy, I thought something bad happend".

Nash-"He is fine and dandy master". (hugs her)

Caspian-"Cousin you need to fix the accelerater".

Casey-"My have you grown". (hugs him)

Chewbacca-(makes noise)

Casey-"Chewie this is my son Devian and my nephew Caspian".

Devian-"Chewie you know who I am, you and Han helped us on the last misson remember?"

Chewie nods his head and everyone laughs

Lando-"You had to save her again?"

Casey-"Yes, and unfortunalty". (shows saber)

Storm-"He finally did it". (sighs)

Luke-"Aunt Casey you know everyone here?"

Lando-"Of course she does, she is a Jedi afterall".

Nash-"I'm afraid there are only some of us again now".

Casey-"Cas still isn't back yet?"

Devian-"Last time we heard from him was a scan BD1 did".

They show her the scan, after that everyone goes to change for dinner

Han-"So you're meaning to tell me this Vader guy killed your brother?"

Casey-"Yep, anything else I think I've just told you my whole life story".

Leia-"Leave her alone, not only did he kill her husband, but he just killed her master".

Nash-"Correction, the emperor killed Graydon".

Casey-"Alright enough, no more unless we want something to be said that shouldn't be". (walks away)

Luke-"Is she not telling us something?"

Storm-"You will know when the time comes Luke, for now let's just eat and rest all of us have had a long day and week".

After they eat dinner, they all head to bed Casey is in her room talking to Obi Wan

Obi Wan-"You know I had to let him do it".

Casey-"I know, but right in front of Luke, he is going to find out about the kids".

Obi Wan-"I know is he, if he already knows about Devian then the time will soon come".

Casey-"Thank you for everything master, please go rest".

After that Obi Wan dissappears then Casey goes to bed 

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