Visiting Luke

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Luke-"Aunt Casey look at these droids".

Casey-"R2 and C3PO?"

C3PO-"Master Skywalker it is so good to see you again".

R2-(excitment noise)

Luke-"They know you?"

Casey-"Yes R2 use to be my droid, C3PO helped as well, how did you get them?"

Luke-"Whatever those things were sold them to us".

Owen-(walks in) "Do you mind helping him fix them up?"

Casey-"Not at all, I missed helping this little droid out". (pats R2)

They fix R2, after they are done they eat, Luke heads out to get some parts then he comes back with someone that Casey knows all to well


Ben-"Ahh Casey Skywalker, nice to see you again". (hugs her)

R2-(excitement noise) 

Ben-"Hello old friend".

Luke-"You guys know eachother as well?"

Casey-"He was a very good friend of your fathers". (sighs)

He tells Luke all about his father and hands him the lightsaber

Ben-"It use to be your fathers".

Luke-"My father was a Jedi?"

Casey-"Yes in fact". (she takes out her lightsaber)

Ben-"I use to be Casey and your fathers Master".

Luke-"That is so cool, so is Devian a Jedi?"

Casey-"We don't discuss that right now, I have no idea where he even is".

Ben-"He didn't tell you where he was going?"

Casey-"Mission with the fighters that's all I know".

Luke-"He's a pilot for the republic?"

Casey-"Not exactly, he kinda does what your father and Ben did with the clone wars".

Luke-"How did he die?"

Ben-(hesitates) "He was killed by a powerful Jedi, sith lord Darth Vader".

Casey-"We tried everything we could, the same way we tried to save Graydon". (sighs)

They talk some more, after a bit Luke heads to bed, Ben and Casey step outside

Ben-"How have you been?"

Casey-"Good, also are you crazy giving him Anakins lighsaber!"

Ben-"Anakin told me that one day he would want his lightsaber to go to one of his children, Luke deserves to know about the force".

Casey-"Have you even checked on Leia, you saw the message R2 had from her, we have to go a help her, even if it means seeing him again".

They talk some more they head back to their houses for the night


Casey-"Are you ready for an adventure old friend?"

After that she heads to bed 

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