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Casey-"Morning you two".


Nash-"Were you able to go back to sleep last night?"

Casey-"Yes in fact R2 told me something interesting this morning".

Storm-"R2". (sighs)

Casey-(laughs) "I'm not mad, I'm actually proud of you two for wanting to do something, but like I said he does not want to be contacted".

Nash-"I still don't get why, you must want to talk to him".

Casey-"That I do, but it's been ten years since I have talked to him, the only other Jedi that I have spoken to are you guys and Master Yoda".

Storm-"Do you mind telling us some more stories?"

Casey-"Not at all". (tells some stories)



Obi Wan-"Casey could you help me with R2?"


Anakin-"Be careful with him".

R2-(makes excited noise)

Casey-"Hi R2, don't worry I'll take good care of him".


Padme-"So you know how Casey had to leave with Master Yoda for a trip?"


Casey-(running) "Ani!"

Anakin-"Casey!" (hugs her tight)

Obi Wan-"She just got in with Master Yoda".

Yoda-"Did well she did". (smiles)

Anakin-"Are you okay?"

Casey-"Yep, oh look". (shows him her lightsaber)

Padme-"That wonderful!" (hugs her)

Anakin-"Your own lighsaber instead of a training one, I'm so proud of you". (hugs her tight)


Casey-"Master are you sure about this?"

Obi Wan-"I will look after Luke from afar, Leia is with the senetor and queen".

Yoda-"Okay with me you will be" (takes her hand)

Obi Wan-"Take R2 with you C3PO is with Leia".

Casey-"Goodbye master". (hugs him)

Obi Wan-"Goodbye my young padawan, till we meet again". (kisses her head)

End of flashbacks/stories

Nash-"So that's how you said goodbye?"

Storm-"So he's still on that desert then?"

Casey-"Yes, but I have no idea where, we lost all contact with eachother after that day". (sighs)

R2-(makes noise)

Nash-"I'm sure you'll see C3PO again buddy".

Casey-"I am sure of it also". (smiles)

Storm-"Did you get to choose your saber color, or did Master Yoda choose it for you like he did with us?"

Casey-"Actually it was my brother who helped me, him and Obi Wan showed me the options then he showed me the one he thought that was best".

Nash-"I wish we could've met him".

Storm-"We kinda did". (sighs)

Casey-"I know how you guys feel about that, I had no idea you two hid and that Master Yoda found you before I went to live with him".

Nash-"We got you to teach us that's all that matters master".

Storm-"Nash she told us to call her Casey".

Casey-"I don't mind being called either, it just sounds weird to be called master".

There is a beeping sound and they head over to where it is

Nash-"Your tracker".

Casey-"There is no way it can't be him, R2 scan the tracker".

R2 scans the tracker

Storm-"No way".

Casey-"How did he find us?"

Nash-"No clue, but should we let him in?"

They head outside and see two people get out of a speedster, the little one runs to Casey

Leia-"Casey!" (hugs her)

Casey-"Leia what are you doing here?"

Obi Wan-"I think you should be asking me that".

Tala-"Sorry I didn't contact you, I helped them get away from some Troopers".

R2-(excitment noise)

Obi Wan-"Hello there old friend".

Cliffhanger sorry!

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