what did I just see? (pt 1)

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*Sienna texts her best friend, boyfriend and political cousin Henry about what she just saw! I am SO sorry in the delay in chapters in this book. Life has been crazy! I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this' enjoy! Love • Bree ☺️*

Sienna Nancy Diane Gore is the youngest child of the Gore family. Being born on February 15, 1995 during the first term of the Clinton-Gore administration.

Sienna was fifteen years old when her parents separated in 2010 and it crushed her. But thankfully, Al and Tipper remained friendly and co-parented Sienna until her high school graduation in 2013.

Sienna is a senior at University of Michigan, double majoring in Communications and Environmental Science as well as a minor in Political Science.

Sienna is going back to the Gore family home in Arlington, Virginia her family stayed at before the VP residence was finished being renovated in 1993. It has since become her mom's home once Tipper made the move after Sienna graduated.

She had forgotten her laptop after uploading pictures from her Dad's 74th birthday party that were sent to her the night before. So she drove from the Holiday Inn Arlington she was at with her siblings, in-laws, nieces, and nephews to retrieve it.


April 1st, 2022

"Karenna Hope Aitcherson Gore and Albert Arnold Gore III! You two really did it this time!" Sarah says while facepalming.

"Hey, it's not totally our fault that Dad didn't leave when he was supposed to." Albert says while defending himself.

"Doesn't matter. You two left I think two bottles behind, our parents got drunk after all of us left, and that's how we wound up here." Kristin says sternly

"Okay, you're right! I just wonder what will happen next? And I have a feeling my two older kids along with my ex-husband, brother-in-laws, and sister-in-law will find out later." Karenna says with big eyes.

"I don't even wanna think about it. The looks on their faces!" Sienna says while covering her eyes, causing her siblings to laugh.

"Think about what, Auntie?" Wyatt asks his aunt curiously as he, Anna, Oscar walk over to where their mom is.

"Well, I went to go get my laptop from your grandma's house this morning. And when I went to go check on her, I saw something I didn't expect." Sienna explains while giving the side eye

"You've gotta be kidding me. Anna, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Oscar asks his older sister while trying not to picture it in his head.

"Yup! Don't tell me you saw our grandparents in bed together?!" Anna asks while being in shock.

"Yup, and I got the proof!" Sienna says as she shows the picture on her iPhone of her parents sleeping.

"No clothes on either?" Oscar asks playfully.

"Son, lower your tone. Your three younger cousins are in here!" Karenna says sternly.

"Sis! Kinsley, Harper, and Aria are on the other side of the meeting room watching a show on my laptop. They can't hear what we're saying." Sarah says to her older sister.

"Oh, and Oscar. The answer to your question is no. I really thought I was seeing things. But what I saw was real." Sienna explains.

"I need to cleanse my eyes with holy water now, thanks Auntie Sienna." Oscar says as Sienna chuckles.

"You are very welcome!" Sienna says as she playfully puts Oscar in a head lock and playing with his hair.

"This is just crazy! Two seventy somethings having a one night stand! Oh to be a fly on the wall to witness them wake up!" Brittany says as she rubs her baby bump.

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