ice cream time! 🍦

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*The two youngest Gores go out to get ice cream! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🍦*

May 19th 2024
2pm, Fairfax Virginia, Gore Residence

"See see! See see!" Jack says with a pacifier in his mouth as he walks around looking for his big sister.

"I'm right here, Jacky! I'm right here!" Sienna says as Jack walks into the bathroom and hugs her leg.

"Did you take a good nap? Who got you out of your crib?" Sienna asks Jack as she picks him up, sitting him on the sink while she finishes her makeup.

"Jon!" Jack says, clapping his hands happily.

"Aww, Jonathan got you up from your nap! You took a long nap today! You must be going through growth spurt, huh?" Sienna asks Jack as she begins to brush Jack's hair, putting a a tiny bit of gel in it.

"Aaa! Ba ba baa!" Jack babbles happily as he giggles.

"Does the hair gel tickle?" Sienna says in a babyfied voice at Jack, causing her to laugh.

Sienna and her fiancé Jonathan have been at the Gore residence babysitting Jack! This weekend Tipper and Al went out of town to celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary!

Jonathan brought his little brother Jude, little sister Lennox and nephew Everett to spend the weekend in Virginia with him, Sienna and Jack!

Sienna turns Jack around so he can see himself in the mirror. Jack looks up and sees himself in the mirror, causing him to smile ear to ear.

"Look at you! Who is that cute baby? Is that Jack Gore?" Sienna asks in a babyfied voice at Jack, kissing his cheeks.

"Aaaa!" Jack says as he smiles.

"Yeah! That's Jack Gore! Are you ready to go bye byes? You, me, Jonathan, Jude, Ev and Leni are all going to get some ice cream! Mmmm!" Sienna says to Jack with a big grin.

"Mmm!" Jack imitates Sienna, causing her to chuckle.

Sienna then picks up Jack and stands him next to her while she cleans the sink before they leave the bathroom.

"See see!" Jack says looking around for Sienna.

"Yes, bud? We are going downstairs! This way!" Sienna says as she stands by the steps waiting for Jack.

Jack happily runs over, causing Sienna to giggle on how silly he looks running but he's learning.

"Hold my hand while we go down the steps!" Sienna says as she holds Jack's hand.

Sienna and Jack walk down the steps, hearing Everett, Lennox and Jude talking about ice cream.

"I wanna get the cotton candy flavor ice cream!" Lennox says with a big grin,

"I want chocolate or something with lots of chocolate!" Everett says as he giggles.

"I want a banana split since they are the BEST!" Jude says with a grin.

"I want a banana split since they are the BEST!" Jude says with a grin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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