waking up after a crazy night

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*A new story I have been wanting to do for a while now 😏 Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this and the rest of the story that will be coming soon! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

April 1st 2022

Yesterday was Al's 74th birthday. Every year, the whole Gore family gets together to celebrate each of their birthdays. This year, they celebrated at Tipper's Virginia home.

Even though they have been separated for almost twelve years, Al and Tipper like to be together for family events so the kids can have both of their parents at family things and not have to do it one at a time.

Al and Tipper mainly did this for Sienna who was a teen when her parents separated but they did it for all of their kids. 

Karenna, her ex husband Andrew (who still takes apart in family events as well) their three children Wyatt, Anna and Oscar, Kristin, her husband Damian and their twin daughters Harper and Kinsley,  Sarah, her husband Patrick and their daughter Aria, Little Al, his wife Brittany and Sienna were all together to celebrate Al's birthday by having a family dinner, some drinks for the adults and ice cream and cake for the kids.

After a day full of family fun, Karenna, Andrew, Kristin, Damian, Sarah, Patrick, Little Al, Brittany, Sienna and all of the grandkids left it was just Al and Tipper.

And let's just say Al and Tipper had some adult couple fun like they had back in the day.


Tipper wakes up to Al peacefully sleeping on his stomach next to her.

Tipper realizes Al is in bed with her, something that haven't been a thing since mid 2009 when things were going wrong and they separated in 2010.

Tipper screams loudly, causing Al to startle awake and making him nearly fall out of the master bed.

"What's the hell!" Al yells as he head begins to pound and he hold it, laying back down on the pillow below him. 

"Al! What are you freaking doing here?" Tipper yells, covering herself up and realizes that she is naked.

Tipper never slept naked, the only time she did is when she had a fun night with Al or a boyfriend, which has been a long while.

"What are you doing here? And stop screaming, my head hurts." Al says in a groggy way.

"This is my freaking house, Al! What are you doing in my house and in my bed!" Tipper asks in confusion as her head begins to hurt.

Al realizes he didn't leave like he was suppose to last night, he was suppose to go to his hotel.

Al and Tipper both look at each other, realizing they are in the same bed and naked. That could only mean one thing. They had sex.

"AL! AL! YES! YES!" Tipper as she and Al slam onto the master bed.

"God you feel amazing!" Al says as he sucks Tipper's neck, causing Tipper to moan.

"I need you! Please!" Tipper moans as she and Al begin to make out.

"Do you remember anything from last night, Tip? Because I really don't." Al says as he really tries to figure out what the hell happened last night.

"I remember we had your birthday party and all of the kids and grandkids were here, everyone left to go to their hotels since it's easier for everyone to have their own space and then it was just me and you." Tipper says as she blushes, embarrassed about this predicament they are in.

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