picking the gore family christmas tree

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*The Gores all get a Christmas tree! I wanted a new chapter for this book but I'll definitely continue the chapters prior to Jack's arrival! Also Merry Late Christmas! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🎄*

November 25th, 2023

"Baaa baaaa! Baaa baaa! Waaaa waaaa!" Jack babbles loudly in the backseat as he plays with his boots.

"Are you singing back there, little man? Hmm?" Tipper says as Al chuckles.

"Ma Ma!" Jack says to Tipper, causing her heart to melt even though he's been saying it for a month or so now.

"Yes, baby boy? Mama loves you! Are you excited to pick out a Christmas tree? It's a Gore family tradition! Well, the second year we have done this in Virginia." Tipper says as Al smiles.

"It is your first ever Christmas tree picking, Jack Jack! Last year, Mama wasn't feeling well, most likely due to her blood pressure!" Al says to Jack as he smiles at Tipper and holds her hand tightly.

"Aaaa!"  Jack squeals at Al, causing Al to chuckle.

"Exactly! That's how Dad and I felt! But you came a week or so later, a little early but that's okay! You and I are healthy now, huh?" Tipper says as she smiles at Jack.

"Baaaa!" Jack squeals once again, causing Tipper and Al to both smile.

Al, Tipper and their eleven month old son Jack are heading to Country Loving Christmas Tree Farm to pick out this year's Gore family Christmas tree!

This is the second year Al and Tipper have gotten a Christmas tree together since getting back together in May of 2022.

Last year's Christmas tree was picked by the Gore children via FaceTime since Tipper wasn't feeling well (due to extremely high blood pressure she didn't know she had).

Meeting the trio at the Christmas tree farm are their youngest daughter Sienna, her boyfriend Jonathan,  Jonathan's younger sister Lennox and younger brother Jude.

Sienna is absolutely happy to spend this holiday weekend with her parents, her baby brother and her boyfriend of four years.

"Will you help Daddy pick the perfect Christmas tree?" Al asks Jack with a grin.

"Da da! Da da!" Jack says as he gets excited.

"Yeah, bud! Me and you are gonna find the perfect tree! Then Mama will tell us how to decorate it." Al says causing Jack to giggle loudly and Tipper laughs before playfully rolling her eyes.

"We are gonna see Sienna, Jonathan, Lennox and Jude! They all can't wait to see you!" Tipper says in a babyfied voice causing Jack to squeal.

"Aaaaa!" Jack squeals loudly as he kicks his legs on excitement.

"You love your big sister, Sie Sie? Aww! She loves you! You'll see your big brother and your three other big sisters again so soon!" Al says with a proud smile, proud of his youngest daughter.

~ 40 Minutes Later

Al, Tipper and Jack have arrived to Country Loving Christmas Tree Farm!

"Look, Jack Jack! We are here!" Tipper says in a babyfied voice causing Jack to clap his hands.

"Baaaa!" Jack says as he looks out the window happily.

"Yeah! Look at all of the Christmas trees! I think we'll find the perfect Christmas tree here!" Al says as he sees Sienna's car in the parking lot and drives to park near her.

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