what did I just see? (pt 2)

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*I am SOOOO sorry for not updating this book in months! That wasn't my intention at all 🥺 I hope you enjoy this chapter! I hope you guys love the book so far! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🩵*

After getting a text from her mother Tipper asking her to come over, Sienna is heading back to the Gore family home in Fairfax Virginia, leaving the hotel she was at with her siblings.

Once she pulls up, Sienna gets out of the car and uses her key to get into the house, but no one's there.

"Mom? Are you here?" Sienna asks out loud.

"Sienna? Is that you, baby?" Tipper asks while yelling from upstairs

"Yes, Mom! It's me!" Sienna says with some sass

"We'll be right down! Oops." Al says while trying to take back what he said.

"Yup! My dad is definitely here." Sienna says to herself with a smile.

Tipper and Al walk down the steps, seeing Sienna standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Hi, baby! Did you have fun yesterday?" Al asks Sienna as he hugs and kisses her cheeks.

"I did! Did you have a fun birthday, Daddy?" Sienna says, hugging Al tightly.

"I did! It was so nice to have everyone together! It's been too long!" Al says and Sienna nods in agreement.

"Hey! Don't I get some hugs too?" Tipper while playfully being offended at Sienna.

"Hi to you too, Mom!" Sienna says as she hugs her mother.

"I see that your laptop is gone. Did you come back and get it this morning?" Tipper asks her daughter curiously.

"Yup! The last thing I need is to leave that behind with the end of the semester being right around the corner!" Sienna says with a smile.

"You got a point. Come on, let's go sit down." Al says as the three go sit down on the couch.

"So, Mom. I saw your text saying you wanted me to come back. Now I'm here! What's up?" Sienna asks her.

"Sienna? Did you come upstairs this morning after you got your laptop to check on me?" Tipper asks her daughter, wondering if she'll tell the truth.

"Ummm...well, you see..." Sienna says nervously.

"Sienna Nancy Diane, don't try to lie your way out of this. We're going to see right through it, so start talking!" Al says with a smile while tapping her on the nose.

"Yeah, I did. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I know you had fun yesterday and drank probably more than you have in forever."  Sienna explains to Tipper and Al.

"Well, I wouldn't say that." Tipper as she gives her husband the side eye.

"And I already know what happened after all of us left and it was just you two. You didn't leave Mom's house last night, did you Dad?" Sienna says as she tries not to laugh.

Al begins to blush while Tipper sighs and tries to hide her face.

"N-N-No I didn't." Al says with a stutter.

"I knew it! In a way, you're not entirely to blame as Karenna and Little Al left two of their bottles behind! We were all talking about this at breakfast this morning after I got back!" Sienna says as she ultimately bursts out in laughter.

"Oh goodness, they know what we did too? And probably Wyatt, Anna and Oscar too?" Tipper says as she continues to hide her face.

"Yeah, they heard in on our conversation." Sienna says to Tipper and Al.

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