a trip to virginia

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*Al and Tipper talk after their intense phone call a few weeks prior. Enjoy! Also, thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this!*

May 31st 2022

After a bumpy flight from Tennessee to Virginia, Al is finally in Virginia to see Tipper.

Al knows Tipper is still angry at him after their intense phone call about her pregnancy. Tipper hasn't really talked to anyone except the kids, Hillary and Bill.

Virginia is a place Al doesn't come often due to the pain it still causes him even twelve years later when he and Tipper separated.

Al just got his rental car and he is driving the forty minute drive to Tipper's house. Al prays Tipper is home and he really hopes he can talk with her.

Al decides to call Hillary and Bill, to see if they have heard from Tipper.


"Has Tipper said anything about me to you guys?" Al asks Hillary and Bill as he drives.

"She seems overwhelmed and tired, Al. She has a lot of pregnancy symptoms now which is a good sign the pregnancy is healthy." Hillary explains to Al.

"Do you think she is still mad at me?" Al asks Hillary and Bill.

"Hell yeah she is! She is still pissed at you." Bill says as Al sighs loudly.

"I know I really screwed up when I talked to her but I was overwhelmed, confused and scared." Al says to Hillary and Bill.

"That's completely understandable, but you should have told her that instead of what you said. But that's said and done now and you just need to see her and try to talk. Ignoring each other or acting like this isn't happening won't fix or stop this. This pregnancy is real and happening and we just hope and pray it will be healthy. You saw Bill and I go through rough times back in the 90s, learn from us." Hillary says to Al.

"You're right. I don't know how the heck you two did it. If anyone should be apologizing, it's me." Al says with a loud sigh.

"No, it's both of you that need to apologize and talk to each other. I get that this is still a shock, but you two being angry at each other isn't gonna do no one any good." Hillary says with a strict tone of voice.

"Don't get her all riled up either, she is with child and can't get too upset." Bill says to Al.

"I know, I don't want to be the reason this baby doesn't make it. I'm just scared that this pregnancy won't work." Al says as he tries to not cry.

"And that's a valid fear, Al. But you guys overcame this fear when Sienna was conceived and she is here and perfect. Jill and Joe didn't even know Jacob was coming and now look at him, he's an active and healthy little baby. I think Baby Gore will be perfectly fine." Hillary says to Al.

"I hope so. I just wasn't planning on having a child in my 70. I just hope I can be a good dad when I'm this old." Al says with a chuckle.

"If you could handle your grandson, Wyatt, when you were Vice President, you can handle another baby in your 70s." Bill says with a smile.

"Alrighty, I'm at Tip's house now. It looks like she is home. I'm kinda nervous." Al says as he takes a deep breath.

"Don't be nervous to see your wife, silly!" Bill says with a chuckle.

"Bill, it's perfectly fine for Al to be nervous. They have be separated for a long time and this is the first time they have seen each other since that night." Hillary says to Bill.

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