what is even happening?

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*Tipper calls Hillary desperately looking for advice during this rough patch in her life! Find out what it is below! Please send suggestions! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

May 7th, 2022

After a scary two day hospital stay with shocking results, Tipper is calling someone she has trusted for thirty years, Hillary Clinton.

The duo known each ever since meeting in 1990 and got even closer when Bill picked Al as his running mate during the 1992 campaign. They remained relatively close after Bill's term ended, after Al's heartbreaking 2000 election loss, health struggles, separations, Henry and Sienna growing up and Hillary's devastating 2016 election loss.

Tipper knows Hillary won't expose this big secret, won't tell the press or even other people unless told to do so. Tipper also knows Hillary won't jump to conclusions, get upset and tell her honest opinion and that's what she needs the most right now.


"You're what, Tip?" Hillary asks Tipper, making sure what she heard was right and she wasn't hearing things.

"I'm pregnant, Hill. When I went to the emergency room the other day, they did a pregnancy test because they do it with all women I guess and it came up very positive. So that confused everyone so they did an ultrasound and yes I'm indeed pregnant." Tipper says a softly, afraid to say it out loud even though she's currently alone in her home.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure I heard that right. Tipper Gore, a former Second Lady of the United States is pregnant in her seventies after a one night stand with her ex husband." Hillary says as Tipper sighs.

"Well, he isn't an ex since we never got divorced but yes, that's correct." Tipper says as she takes a deep breath.

"This is just insane! How does this even freaking happen?" Hillary says in absolute disbelief.

"Well the bird and the bees - " Tipper says as Hillary interrupts playfully.

"I know how it happened, silly! But like how does this even happen? You are in your seventies, way past menopause and everything. When you two possibly wanted another baby after Sienna it doesn't happen, but it happens when you two have been separated for nearly twelve years and living separate lives." Hillary says to Tipper.

"Life is just crazy isn't it?" Tipper says with a nervous giggle.

"It sure is! It sure is!" Hillary says, sipping on her drink.

"But, I believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is a sign from above." Tipper says to Hillary.

"I know you and Al have seen each other more than just at family events these past few months." Hillary says to Tipper.

"Yeah, we have! It's been nice to hang out together and have it not be awkward. We have both been single for a while now so I think that's why." Tipper says.

"Aww, that's good! I'm glad you two have been connecting as friends again and now even more." Hillary says with a chuckle and Tipper chuckles back.

"You know, Al and I have gone back in forth being pro-life and pro-choice but we stayed pro-choice because we always believed it was a women's choice to do what she wanted with her body. But you know how I am about family and how important children's are to me. I-I just couldn't go through with an abortion. I just couldn't do it, so I'm keeping this baby." Tipper says softly to Hillary.

"I'm happy for you Tip. And I support your decision 100%. And I couldn't have an abortion either, but I want others to have that choice if they need to make it. I bet the Supreme Court is going to change something about Roe and I'm pissed already when that leak came out." Hillary says as she huffs in annoyance of politics at the moment.

"Tell me about it! Me too! But yeah girly, that's what's been happening. I'm sorry to call you with no advance notice. I know you and Bill are always super busy now a days." Tipper says to Hillary.

"Aw, don't be sorry! Don't be sorry at all. You know I'm always here to talk! You know you can talk to me any time you need okay?" Hillary says, making sure Tipper knows that she is there for her no matter what.

"Okay, thank you Hill." Tipper says with a small smile.

"You're welcome, Tip! Well, congratulations to you and Al! This is going to be a wild adventure but Bill and I will be here for you both! Babies are so fun, And like you said, maybe this is a sign from above about something." Hillary says to Tipper.

"Thank you! We really need to meet up!" Tipper says to Hillary happily.

"Oh we do! Maybe sometime this summer! Bill wants to see you, Al and Sienna!" Hillary says with a big smile.

"I'd love that! Sienna would too! Love ya, girly! Talk to you later!" Tipper says to Hillary, happy to have talked and caught up with a best friend.

"Love you too!" Hillary says as she and Tipper end the phone call.

"What the hell is going on? First Lady Jill Biden had a baby, Vice President Kamala Harris had a baby and now is having another baby and now Tip is having a baby." Hillary says as she lays on the couch, trying to figure all of this out without hurting her brain too much.


"You are not going to believe what Tipper just told me! And you better not say anything!" Hillary says as Bill sits on the couch next to her and begins to rub her feet.

"What she say? And you know I don't spill secrets if you tell me not to!" Bill says, causing Hillary to giggle.

"Remember her and Al had I guess you would say a one night stand on his birthday?" Hillary says as Bill nods.

"Yeah...." Bill says to Hillary, continuing to rub her feet.

"And you remember she went to the emergency room the other day?" Hillary says to Bill and Bill nods again.

"Yeah, is she okay?" Bill asks Hillary and Hillary nods.

"Well.... She's pregnant." Hillary says as Bill looks at Hillary in lots of confusion.

"She's what?" Bill asks with a weird look on his face.

"She's pregnant." Hillary says to Bill.

"Get out of here! Huh?" Bill says as Hillary laughs loudly.

"That's what I said. But look! She showed me an ultrasound picture." Hillary says as she pulls up Tipper's text message and shows Bill's the ultrasound picture.

"Hilly, you know I can't read those things." Bill says as he puts his glasses on and tries to look at the ultrasound.

"Oh, come on! You can't see the little baby right there? The blob?" Hillary says, causing Bill to chuckle.

"Wow, this is exciting! How does Tipper feel?" Bill says with a grin and Hillary smiles too.

"She feels okay! She's feeling pregnant now! But I think she is doing good." Hillary says as Bill giggles.

"Oh lord. I gotta call Al and see if he will tell me about this!"

"Don't be asking a ton of questions! If he says it then fine!" Hillary says sternly to her husband and Bill smiles at her.

"I won't, don't worry!" Bill says to Hillary.

to be continued

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