Fluff | Liam x Henry : Kiss..?

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Requested by: Henriam_simp

Ships included:
Jake x Hailey

Let's say this is 4 years after the ending of the 'The Music Freaks'.


"Henry!" A little girl with dirty blond hair and brilliant blue eyes wrapped her arms around an older boy with dark green hair and olive green eyes. As the other kids surrounded him. They were at a birthday party, and when Henry and Liam arrived, Henry became the center of attention for the kids.

"Your cute boyfriend sure is popular Liam." Ash, Liam's older but half-brother nudged at him.

"Shut up." Liam said, staring at Henry's smiling face as he carries the little girl and danced her around.

"It's normal to be jealous at your age." Ash smirked. "Look, he's surrounded."

Liam raised a leg and kicked him.

"Don't kick me without warning!" Ash yelled.

"Liam! Ash!" Henry ran to them. "What are you two talking about?" He asked.

"Brotherly stuff."

Ash was a tall blond guy with red eyes, they weren't as red as Liam's though, and he wasn't also as tall as Liam, due to not having the same father.

"What's that?" Henry tilted his head up at the two boys. He was an only child, so he doesn't know how that worked.

"But we noticed the kids love you."

"Hehe, your half-siblings are so nice Liam." Henry smiled at him. "Honey and Jaycee are really cheerful, while Cain is like you, he tends to stay away from the center of attention." He glanced at a corner where Cain was leaning on a wall with his arms crossed.

"You were the center of attention earlier Henry, I'm glad they accepted you." Liam told him.

Henry's smile widened and he jumped up punching the air.

Ash looked at them amused.

"Say, you two have been together for a few months now right?"

The younger two boys looked at Ash.

"Why are you bringing that up?" Liam raised a brow at his brother.

"Nothing, I was just wondering how far have you two gotten?" He smirked again.

"Eh? How far?" Henry looked at his boyfriend.

"Ash, you little-" Liam raised a fist to his brother's face.

"Well, you look more like just best friends rather than boyfriends." Ash shrugged. "Henry."

"Hm?" The green-haired glanced at him.

"You at least have kissed him right? Mom agreed for you two to live together, so you two had kissed right?"

"Uhmm... Yeah..." Henry looked down blushing then started fiddling with his jacket's strings.

"Eh..." A pervy expression came to his face.

"No-no it's... I only kiss him goodnight!" He yelled.

"Hmmm, goodnight kisses ey~" The blond looked up at Liam, smirking.

"How about I wipe off that blissful look off of your face?" The brunette raised his fist again.

Henry looked at them questioningly.

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