Angst to Fluff | Liam x Henry : Doubts

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Requested by: LycheeTheGamer

Included ships:
Elliott x Millicent
Sean x Sadie

~ Henry's POV ~

The band competition was happening in the gym, and I being short, I couldn't see Jake and the others perform, so I just left the gym and went to the back of the school. I sat on a bench that looks over the soccer field.

Me and Liam have been dating for a few months now, at first Liam was loving, clingy, and protective, but now... It's like he's been drifting away from me. We don't talk that much anymore, and he acts like a stranger... I don't know why... Was it something I did?

"Henry? What's wrong? Why are you sulking over here?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked back and saw a pinkette with round glasses.

"Oh... Hi Gardener nerd, you're the Pink-haired devil's boyfriend right?" I said and saw him blush and nod his head slightly. "Well don't just stand there, have a seat."

"T-thanks." He said as he sat beside me.

There was an awkward silence before he decided to break it.

"What's wrong Henry? Did something happen between you and Liam?" I looked up at Elliott.

"W-well no... What about you? Aren't you gonna watch your girlfriend perform?" I said, trying not to make my voice shake.

"I'm gonna go back in later." He said and smiled.

I smiled back, then looked up at the moon. I sighed.

"Hey? Do you wanna talk about it?" Elliott asked. I sighed once again.

"I feel like... Liam's like... Drifting away from me..." I said, my voice fading. "We don't talk much anymore, we don't walk together anymore, and he acts like a stranger... I wonder if he found someone else..?" I felt Elliott's gaze at me, then felt his arm around me, pulling me closer to him, I looked up at him, and he was looking at the moon.

"Look here, Henry. These things happen in every relationship, they have times that they don't have the same understanding, they have fights, they ignore each other." He said while I leaned on him. "Maybe you have to go to talk to him, ask him what's wrong, why haven't you been talking to each other." He said in a calm manner.

"What are you two doing out here?" We heard a familiar voice behind us, the familiar 'cold as ice' voice of Sadie.

"Oh hello there, Sadie? What has been happening in there?" Elliott asked as we look back at her.

"They're already on their 3rd song which is 'You' by 'Hollywood Ending'. Their 4th song is 'Sleep tonight' by 'December Avenue'. Then their 5th song will be Jake's solo of their original song 'Loved with your love'." Sadie says as she rests her hands on my and Elliot's head. "Now, why aren't you two, with your lovers?"

"I needed some air, it was getting stuffy in there," Elliott replied.

"I can't see what was happening in front, and Liam's being a little bi*ch," I said nonchalantly. Sadie let out a low chuckle, then she ruffled my and Elliott's hair.

"Take your time out here, I'm gonna go back in to speak with someone." Sadie's mood darkened, and she turned her back from us, then proceeded to walk back to the school gym. Me and Elliott turned our heads back to look at the moon. It was a full moon, so our surroundings were bright.

"Oh boy, hope your boyfriend can process what Sadie is gonna tell him." Elliott chuckled a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

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